Possibility to access individual widget instances


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For my weather app I get more and more requests for individual locations for the widget. (The users want to create widgets for different locations)

Erel, do you see any chance to change the widget handling so it would be possible to address a single widget instance?

Jost aus Soest

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Longtime User

I'm in the same situation...

What's about creating n equal services, e. g. called "srvWidget1" to "srvWidgetn", where every ConfigureHomeWidget-method gets an unique WidgetName-parameter (e. g. "MyWidget 1" to "MyWidget n")?

Of course,there are some drawbacks:
1. Risk of duplicated code.
2. n different names for the "same" widget.
3. Maximum number of "this" widget on homescreen is limited to n.
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