can we use jMqttbroker library on esp8266 to make a mini broker? (just a server able to receive messages from a MQTT client)
my idea is to connect a MQTT client to an esp8266 and this esp will be also seen like a mqtt client by
why this gymnastic ? a service MQTT on android cannot work full time because it is drainning 30% of battery, but if service start only a few seconds every minutes, it is OK.
my idea is to have a gateway in esp8266 able to collect MQTT messages from a client MQTT and able to provide messages collected to my android client at a command request in a few seconds
is it possible to have a server on esp8266 able to connect a MQTT client and to receive messages ? it is just what i need because i saw MQTT client is available on esp
thanks for your help
my idea is to connect a MQTT client to an esp8266 and this esp will be also seen like a mqtt client by
why this gymnastic ? a service MQTT on android cannot work full time because it is drainning 30% of battery, but if service start only a few seconds every minutes, it is OK.
my idea is to have a gateway in esp8266 able to collect MQTT messages from a client MQTT and able to provide messages collected to my android client at a command request in a few seconds
is it possible to have a server on esp8266 able to connect a MQTT client and to receive messages ? it is just what i need because i saw MQTT client is available on esp
thanks for your help