Hi, Erel!
I'm not sure what I'm actuall doing wrong.
Running above coding and show following output:-
ResponseError. Reason: Not Found, Response: {"Message":"No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI 'https://www.abc.com.my/api/customer/UpdatePassword'."}
API code:
public async Task<object> DoUpdatePassword(string UserLoginID, String NewPassword)
I'm not sure what I'm actuall doing wrong.
Dim JobChgPwd As HttpJob
JobChgPwd.Initialize("JobChgPwd", Me)
JobChgPwd.PostString(Starter.URILink & "/api/customer/UpdatePassword", "UserLoginID=" & Starter.kvs2.GetSimple("CurrUserLoginID") & "&" & "NewPassword=" & txtConfirmPassword.Text.trim)
JobChgPwd.GetRequest.SetHeader("Authorization","Bearer " & Starter.kvs2.GetSimple("CurrUserTokenAccess"))
Wait For (JobChgPwd) JobDone(JobChgPwd As HttpJob)
If JobChgPwd.Success Then
Dim jNDparser As JSONParser
Dim root As Map = jNDparser.NextObject
Dim result As String = root.Get("result")
Dim data As String = root.Get("data")
Dim resultset As List = root.Get("resultset")
If resultset.IsInitialized=True Then
Msgbox(data,"Change Password")
End If
End If
Running above coding and show following output:-
ResponseError. Reason: Not Found, Response: {"Message":"No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI 'https://www.abc.com.my/api/customer/UpdatePassword'."}
API code:
public async Task<object> DoUpdatePassword(string UserLoginID, String NewPassword)