I'm using NativeObject to CalendarEvent like this
when I log the "no", the result like this :
Actually, I want to get all field like location, recurrence, etc
but when I try to GetField "recurrence" like this
I get error like this
Any idea?
Btw this is my first post so sorry if I make mistake
I'm using NativeObject to CalendarEvent like this
For Each e As CalendarEvent In Events
Private no As NativeObject = e
when I log the "no", the result like this :
<B4INativeObject: EKEvent <0x28348d080>
[<EKEvent 0x280780160> valueForUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key recurrence.
EKEvent <0x28348d080>
{ title = test;
location = (null);
calendar = EKCalendar <0x2816d1580> {title = [email protected]; type = CalDAV; allowsModify = YES; color = #CCA6ACFF;};
alarms = (
"EKAlarm <0x2816d1300> {triggerInterval = -1800.000000}"
URL = (null);
lastModified = 2024-05-28 7:19:11 AM +0000;
startTimeZone = Asia/Jakarta (GMT+7) offset 25200;
endTimeZone = Asia/Jakarta (GMT+7) offset 25200
location = (null);
structuredLocation = (null);
startDate = 2024-06-05 5:00:00 AM +0000;
endDate = 2024-06-05 6:00:00 AM +0000;
allDay = 0;
floating = 0;
recurrence = EKRecurrenceRule <0x2820ab0c0> RRULE FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=3;COUNT=5;
travelTime = (null);
startLocation = (null);
Actually, I want to get all field like location, recurrence, etc
but when I try to GetField "recurrence" like this
Private recurrence As NativeObject = no.GetField("recurrence")
Error occurred on line: 322 (B4XMainPage)
[<EKEvent 0x282250a50> valueForUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key recurrence.
Stack Trace: (
CoreFoundation EEC1287D-059B-38C8-9BC1-58A0C8B1E6C2 + 601204
libobjc.A.dylib objc_exception_throw + 56
CoreFoundation EEC1287D-059B-38C8-9BC1-58A0C8B1E6C2 + 1430672
Foundation F9235FC7-EC4E-31C9-B56E-95CF10B07239 + 1339368
Foundation F9235FC7-EC4E-31C9-B56E-95CF10B07239 + 156824
Business Calendar PRP V1 0x0000000104e006cc -[B4INativeObject GetField:] + 120
CoreFoundation EEC1287D-059B-38C8-9BC1-58A0C8B1E6C2 + 134384
CoreFoundation EEC1287D-059B-38C8-9BC1-58A0C8B1E6C2 + 249304
Business Calendar PRP V1 0x0000000104deb768 +[B4I runDynamicMethod:method:throwErrorIfMissing:args:] + 1348
Business Calendar PRP V1 0x0000000104e943e8 -[B4IShell runMethod:] + 320
Business Calendar PRP V1 0x0000000104e9349c -[B4IShell raiseEventImpl:method:args::] + 928
Business Calendar PRP V1 0x0000000104e95f1c -[B4IShellBI raiseEvent:event:params:] + 1008
Business Calendar PRP V1 0x0000000104e9eb88 -[B4IDebugResumableSub resume::] + 292
Business Calendar PRP V1 0x0000000104deb0f0 -[B4I checkAndRunWaitForEvent:event:params:] + 468
Business Calendar PRP V1 0x0000000104e95eb4 -[B4IShellBI raiseEvent:event:params:] + 904
Business Calendar PRP V1 0x0000000104df2c74 __37-[B4ICommon ReturnFromResumableSub::]_block_invoke + 256
libdispatch.dylib 9CCDBDE3-15E1-3A45-B330-4A5E2C3F92BD + 405652
libdispatch.dylib 9CCDBDE3-15E1-3A45-B330-4A5E2C3F92BD + 409748
libdispatch.dylib 9CCDBDE3-15E1-3A45-B330-4A5E2C3F92BD + 68932
libdispatch.dylib 9CCDBDE3-15E1-3A45-B330-4A5E2C3F92BD + 67988
CoreFoundation EEC1287D-059B-38C8-9BC1-58A0C8B1E6C2 + 319508
CoreFoundation EEC1287D-059B-38C8-9BC1-58A0C8B1E6C2 + 46328
CoreFoundation CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 572
GraphicsServices GSEventRunModal + 160
UIKitCore 9D301877-2593-385C-8F72-F075AA0B48FA + 5134984
UIKitCore UIApplicationMain + 336
Business Calendar PRP V1 0x0000000104a60064 main + 100
dyld start + 444
Any idea?
Btw this is my first post so sorry if I make mistake
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