problem to write


when i write the example that use in the essential basic4ppc ver 6.9 it cant run
also i use the example at page 28 to device
my basice4ppc ver`s is 6.80
because i begin to learning basic4ppc according to the essential basic4ppc


when i write a exampel in device simple the help`s basic4ppc in device i can run it but when i write the examole that say at page 28 it cant run
when i run it show form(frmMain) but when press button(toggle) dose not show "Hello word"
in text form name when i writ "Hello world" after runing and go to setting Hello world chang to frmMain in the text form`s name


Active Member
Licensed User
There's propably something which you didn't understand or a syntax error somewhere in your code...
Can you write your code here?
Don't worry, in begining there's everytime a lot of problems ;)


tanks for answer
i am hopeful
sub globals
`Declare the golbal variables here.
End Sub

sub app_start
end sub

sub Button1_Click
Label1.Text="Hello world"
End sub
after write these and save in the form hello world chenge to frmMain and i try to correction it but dont correction


Active Member
Licensed User
Hi, I don't understand your sentence but if you have a button named "Button1" and a Label named "Label1" so when you click on the button the Label1 should change text to "Hello World" normaly...
It doesn't?


Licensed User
Longtime User
Me too I don't understand what your problem is.

The source code you posted works fine !
When you run the source code and click on 'Button1' the text in Label1 changes to 'Hello world' as expected.

What exactly did you do and what exactly do expect ?

- 'after write these' : you wrote the code OK
- 'and save in the form hello world chenge to frmMain' : what do you want to do ?
- ' and i try to correction it but dont correction' : what correction do you want to do and what do you expect ?

Do you develop on the desktop or on the device ?

If you don't explain more in detail what you do and what you expect we couldn't help you.

Best regards.


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
I attached an implementation of your sample code which works fine on the desktop and on the device. Just download it and try to run it on your own.

If you still have problems you might have a corrupt basic4ppc installation.

In spite of that I recommend to install the latest demo version 6.9 of basic4ppc if you want to test all features before buying a full version.



  • test.sbp
    591 bytes · Views: 257


mr specci i download it but it cant run it
i said my basic4ppc ver 6.8
i want that when press buttn 1 show hello world
how can do it


Active Member
Licensed User
Hi, where do you want show "Hello World"?
There, the "Hello World" text is displayed on the Label named "Label1"...
The event "Button1_Click" say that when you click on the Button named "Button1" so all the code write between this keyword and "End Sub" will be executed...
And there, there's "Label1.Text="Hello World"" so the Label1 Text propriete will be changed to "Hello World"...
For add or remove a Label control you've to go to the Designer in clicking on "Design" and on your desired Form.
You can move, resize your Label and set the text propriete manually...
I hope it's usefull...
Sometimes we don't see but it's ahead us :)
Good Luck ;)


HI klaus
and very tanks
its run good in device
but it cant loading in decktop
i am very happy
i will try make exampels on this.


hi "sitajony" and "klaus"
how can i write a program that sum to numbers and show me result
allso i write in two text and prees sum after show result in the lable
may i use examples in the essential basic4ppc ver 6.9 pdf to device basic4ppc v6.80 net version:2.07045 dpix:96,dpiy:96
i am very very hopeful
if you supporter:):wav:


Licensed User
Longtime User
Attached you find two sample programs.
ProgSum has the minimum required.
ProgSum1 is an evolution using variables and with some error checking.

but it cant loading in decktop
What's the problem ?

Best regards.


  • ProgSum.sbp
    915 bytes · Views: 222
  • ProgSum1.sbp
    1.6 KB · Views: 229


hi and tanks
klaus i run that both in device an work good
i make example an these but it dont run well if you lett me i Attached you see it and correction


  • power.sbp
    1.4 KB · Views: 205
Last edited:


hi and tanks
specci48 i dont understand why i use the latest version of basic4ppc?
what version i can to use?


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Post your "sbp-File"

Hi roki,

you have to make a posting with an attachment like specci48 did.

That means, that you have to add your "sbp-file" to the posting, so we can see your code in the file and we can check if it works on OUR systems.

If it works on OUR systems, the problem is NOT in your CODE, then it is on your system.

If it works NOT on OUR systems, then the problem is in the CODE and we can find out.

... but it seems, that your code is OK ...
... so send the attachment.


edit: Uuups, I was too slow. I see you added a sbp-file at 03:07 AM. Ill check it for you ...
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi roki,
what version i can to use?
... as far as I know: If you are a not registrated user, you can use the trial version of 6.90 (newest version) with full function, but it is not possible to download "DLL-Files" in the forum.

(If I am not correct, please correct me from the experts)

I have tested your Code, but it didn't work. I made some changes and marked them in the green letters behind the code line. (See attachment)

Look at it, so you can find out some more about Basic4ppc. I hope it helps you.


  • Power_1.sbp
    1.9 KB · Views: 203