Android Question Problem With HTTP Job After Updating To v8.8


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Longtime User

I am getting the error:

'sending message to waiting queue of uninitialized activity (submitjob)'. All I did was recompile after the new version. On the previous version everything worked perfectly. I don't think the JobDone event is firing.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Rob


Licensed User
Longtime User

That is the only error that is shown.

This code resides in a service module. It worked perfectly before updating to v8.8.
The code is:

Sub Process_Globals
Private job1 as HttpJob
End Sub
Public Sub btnGet
job1.Initialize("Job1", Me)
job1.Download("http://" & NAME_SERVER_DOMAIN & "/dir1/default.htm")
End Sub
Sub JobDone (Job As HttpJob)
Log("Event Fired.")
If Job.Success = True Then
Select Job.JobName
Case "Job1"
ToastMessageShow(Job.GetString, True)
End Select
End If
End Sub

Thanks, Rob

Edit: The tab indents don't show when I post.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Manfred:

You are right. When I run this code in a simple app it works. I guess I will have to look into it this a little deeper.

Thanks, Rob
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