B4J Question pros & cons of Views/Nodes added using code


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Can anyone voice opinions on the pros & cons of setting up nodes in the source code instead of doing it in the designer?


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Apart from the extra work for the code ones. There shouldn't be any difference.

There are some views called customviews, those are better with the designer not because something fancy but because ide request to do so.
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The biggest advantage of using the designer would be the ability (now) to copy them to other platforms eg, Android.

For quick test apps I tend to use code to create the layouts.
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I use ABPlugin to add extra functionalities to my app. But as the plugin is compiled to libraries, I cannot load layout files, so I have to code the UI, which is a bit inconvenient. I have to deal with all kinds of anchors and size settings.
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In B4a I like to add views by code which is good for me (first to learn how it works, now more "I'm used to it"). In B4J I only use the designer. Don't ask me, why :) B4x has developed enourous since I started so the designer is now a "pro tool" which I strongly recommend.
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if there are hundreds of ui elements it is easier by code, or if you have a dynamic view.
else i prefer to see the layout in the designer.
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