Hi all, I am trying to publish a food app in appstore but they have rejected it twice, I would like to know if there are any tips or points to keep in mind or a guide to not make mistakes
What is the reason they have rejected it?Hi all, I am trying to publish a food app in appstore but they have rejected it twice, I would like to know if there are any tips or points to keep in mind or a guide to not make mistakes
hi walter thanks for answeringWhat is the reason they have rejected it?
Hey Carlos,
I think Apple does this to everybody. Probably they have many scammers banging on their front door, and so until we prove we are legitimate, they assume the worst. I have never managed to have an app accepted on the first try. But once an app has ticked all the boxes of their submission test checklist, and they can see that we are not scammers, then things are easier from then on.
In one case, for a Bluetooth app that they could not test because they did not have the corresponding BLE device, I had to make a video of the app being used, which was a bit of a pain because it required a truck and trailer to demonstrate it properly, and I do not own either of those. But now that they have seen the app in use, and I include a link to that video each time a submit an update, it is all good, eg:
View attachment 84852
In all cases where I've received a rejection, I just make the suggested change as best I can, and then in the next submission, I include in that notes area (i) a one-sentence copy of the rejection, and (ii) what I have done to fix it.
In your case, I think what is happening is:
The envelope icon on the Ingresar (Login?) button makes it look like pressing that button will involve email. Registration usually involves a confirmation email. So that icon makes the button look more like a registration button than a login button.
Perhaps change the icon to something that symbolizes a connection, eg a chain link or a handshake or a radio signal.
Even better, when the login is successful, change the icon to something that shows their is a connection, or perhaps to a (green?) tick icon. And write about this in the notes section of the submission, so that Apple can see that you are working with them to make the app as user-friendly as possible.
The submission process is a pain, especially the first time. Freaked me out a bit. Best advice I have is: Stay cheerful, and jump the hurdles one at a time.
Do ensure you dont allow the user to navigate until registered or logged back in.hi aeric, Thanks for answering, I do that. Even if it is already registered the user enters the direct menu. I would like to know if there are other specific points that they have in mind when reviewing an App
Thank you very much for the information MarkosDo ensure you dont allow the user to navigate until registered or logged back in.
Also any cryptic message or label needs to be clear.
Apple does look at ease of use and how informative a workflow is. Remember not all users have your knowledge of the App so walk thru ur App festures to be idiot proof.