No Color parameter in the Designer, has a default color, can be changed by code with the Color parameter.
When the text is higher than the EditText height, how can we get an automatic ScrollBar.
How to set the cursor at the end of the text (ScrollToCaret).
Wouldn't a single Text parameter be enough,
SingleLine when the parameter SingleLine=True
MultiLine when the parameter SingleLine=False
Or hide the non relevant field.
Changing the text in one of the fields changes also the text in the other.
But MultiLine text field doesn't accept multiline texts, CR has no effect. Same for Labels.
How to avoid automatic display of the virtual keybord when EditText gets focus?
How to hide the virtual keyboard in code and in the emulator?
Has a Text and a MultiLine Text field but no SingleLine parameter?
Doesn't have a Color parameter in the Designer? Is transparent by default.
But it's Color parameter can be set by code.
Same for CheckBox, RadioButton, EditText
Do these views also have the Drawable parameter like Buttons, Panels etc.
CheckBox, RadioButton
Default horizontal text alignment is CENTER_HORIZONTAL
I find that for these Views a default LEFT alignment would be more useful.
Depending on the Drawable parameter the size is not the same.
Button size 50/50
Drawable parameter size
Default drawable 43/42 ? There is a transparent frame around. Round corners
Gradient drawable 50/50 ! Round corners
Color drawable 50/50 ! no round corners
Bitmap drawable 50/50 ! no round corners
Bitmap is stretched to the button size, can this be changed like in B4PPC ?
There is a Pressed parameter in the Designer, when true shows the button pressed in the Designer, but has no effect when compiled nor is it available in the IDE. Button2.Pressed=True in the code generates an error.
Best regards.
No Color parameter in the Designer, has a default color, can be changed by code with the Color parameter.
When the text is higher than the EditText height, how can we get an automatic ScrollBar.
How to set the cursor at the end of the text (ScrollToCaret).
Wouldn't a single Text parameter be enough,
SingleLine when the parameter SingleLine=True
MultiLine when the parameter SingleLine=False
Or hide the non relevant field.
Changing the text in one of the fields changes also the text in the other.
But MultiLine text field doesn't accept multiline texts, CR has no effect. Same for Labels.
How to avoid automatic display of the virtual keybord when EditText gets focus?
How to hide the virtual keyboard in code and in the emulator?
Has a Text and a MultiLine Text field but no SingleLine parameter?
Doesn't have a Color parameter in the Designer? Is transparent by default.
But it's Color parameter can be set by code.
Same for CheckBox, RadioButton, EditText
Do these views also have the Drawable parameter like Buttons, Panels etc.
CheckBox, RadioButton
Default horizontal text alignment is CENTER_HORIZONTAL
I find that for these Views a default LEFT alignment would be more useful.
Depending on the Drawable parameter the size is not the same.
Button size 50/50
Drawable parameter size
Default drawable 43/42 ? There is a transparent frame around. Round corners
Gradient drawable 50/50 ! Round corners
Color drawable 50/50 ! no round corners
Bitmap drawable 50/50 ! no round corners
Bitmap is stretched to the button size, can this be changed like in B4PPC ?
There is a Pressed parameter in the Designer, when true shows the button pressed in the Designer, but has no effect when compiled nor is it available in the IDE. Button2.Pressed=True in the code generates an error.
Best regards.
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