iOS Question raiseEvent from Inline Objective C code


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I have the following code in a project I am working on, but for some reason the raiseEvent method is not being triggered, I can see the methods inside this inline code working as I can see the logs from each method, What is the correct format for the raiseEvent function?

@interface RemoteCommandCenterHelper : NSObject
+ (void)configureRemoteCommandCenter;

@implementation RemoteCommandCenterHelper

+ (void)configureRemoteCommandCenter {
    MPRemoteCommandCenter *center = [MPRemoteCommandCenter sharedCommandCenter];
    NSLog(@"Configuring Remote Command Center");
    [center.playCommand addTarget:self action:@selector(play)];
    [center.pauseCommand addTarget:self action:@selector(pause)];
    center.playCommand.enabled = YES;
    center.pauseCommand.enabled = YES;

+ (MPRemoteCommandHandlerStatus)play {
    NSLog(@"Play command received");
    [B4IObjectWrapper raiseEvent:self :@"controlevent:" :@[@"play"]];
    return MPRemoteCommandHandlerStatusSuccess;

+ (MPRemoteCommandHandlerStatus)pause {
    NSLog(@"Pause command received");
    [B4IObjectWrapper raiseEvent:self :@"controlevent:" :@[@"pause"]];
    return MPRemoteCommandHandlerStatusSuccess;

And this is how that inline objective C code is being used in my project

Sub ConfigureRemoteCommandCenter
    Dim remoteCommandCenterHelper As NativeObject = Me
    remoteCommandCenterHelper.Initialize("RemoteCommandCenterHelper").RunMethod("new", Null)
    remoteCommandCenterHelper.RunMethod("configureRemoteCommandCenter", Null)
End Sub

Any suggestions?
