Share My Creation Rapid Cube (iSpritekit Game)


this is my latest iSpritekit game made with b4i. Lot of thanks to @JanPRO for his awesome wrap.
I doubt that i will have any success with this game but because i have started it i wanted to finish a playable version. it has now only 20 levels but if it will get some installs i will add more.

i use iTiled for all levels created in this game and i am very satisfied with the lib. it is working very well and it is very easy to create levels with iTiled.

Please try it and let me know what you think.




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@Erel, Can u please tell me what iphone u tested my app?
Did u see the particle effects (tail, smoke/fire,..)

I just noticed that i dont see the particle effects on my old ipad2 :(
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Well-Known Member
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Well done Ilan! I like this... the simple gameplay, the way it gets more challenging, the graphics, the music... the only thing that worries me is you seem to have a sadistic streak to your character lol :D


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What is the trick in level 19 or 18 where there are two teleporters???

Run fast and then on the second teleport u have a jump left because everytime u hit the ground u have a jump even if gravity is in opposite direction so just hit the jump btn after leaving the second teleport ;)

Edit: btw its not a teleport it is a gravity changer. :)
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this is my latest iSpritekit game made with b4i. Lot of thanks to @JanPRO for his awesome wrap.
I doubt that i will have any success with this game but because i have started it i wanted to finish a playable version. it has now only 20 levels but if it will get some installs i will add more.

i use iTiled for all levels created in this game and i am very satisfied with the lib. it is working very well and it is very easy to create levels with iTiled.

Please try it and let me know what you think.


Very nice, well done, i had no idea B4i had a game engine, how did you create the particle effects, and how do you do the collision detection, I really like this game.



Licensed User
Longtime User
and how do you do the collision detection

@JanPRO has wrapped a long time ago SpriteKit framework for b4i. (iSpriteKit)
spritekit does everything for you (physics + rendering sprites). creating the bodies is almost the same as in box2d but only better because it is not separated in 2 libraries. in b4a we use box2d for the physics and we render all sprites using libgdx or any other rendering method. the problem is we need to handle both separately and if you have experience with libgdx and box2d then you will know that you have to handle a different coordinate system for each library and a different camera object etc. but with spritekit, it is not like that. its like having a image view that has his own physic body (or multiple physic bodies - check out my game Physics2d where i create a pipe and the ball is rolling inside. this is done with 2 bodies attached to the same SKSpriteNode) like this u move the body using forces and the sprite is attached to that body so it is moving together and also rotates together. this is much simpler to handle and you have better control.