Public Class Person
Public Property Name as string
Public Property Address as new address
End Class
Public Class Address
Public Property Addr1 as string
Public Property Addr2 as string
Public Property City as string
Public Property Zip as string
End Class
So we can do things like:
For each p in Persons
Msgbox(p.Name & p.Address.City)
It often feels like i'm blindfolded when I'm programming sometimes because certain vb basic elements aren't existent, I'd say that's the biggest hurdle. Especially coming from VS2010 and using .net 4.0 with LINQ mostly.
Also declaring thins like so tends to make code longer:
Dim a as string
a = "2323"
When you can do: Dim a as string = "asds"
Public Property Name as string
Public Property Address as new address
End Class
Public Class Address
Public Property Addr1 as string
Public Property Addr2 as string
Public Property City as string
Public Property Zip as string
End Class
So we can do things like:
For each p in Persons
Msgbox(p.Name & p.Address.City)
It often feels like i'm blindfolded when I'm programming sometimes because certain vb basic elements aren't existent, I'd say that's the biggest hurdle. Especially coming from VS2010 and using .net 4.0 with LINQ mostly.
Also declaring thins like so tends to make code longer:
Dim a as string
a = "2323"
When you can do: Dim a as string = "asds"