iOS Question receive firebase push messages on ios


Licensed User
Yup read and reread that many times and reset everything many times and tried the apn keys method as well. Can't get anything on the ios device. Android works fine.
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Licensed User
Do you have to use two different tools to send the messages out to both ios and android or can I just use the send tool I'm already using to send to android which is part of a larger project that both devices will connect to?
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But do you have to?? I've tried to get this work so many times and it still refuses to receive any messages. Android works fine.
if Android works.. OK - but now you want to make it works for IOS.. then I don't think it is important if works or not in Android

post your code to send the push to ios
Edit: Use the tools-example to send push just to IOS - if it works then you can create a tool to send push to Android and IOS at the same time.
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Licensed User
It turns out firebase notifications will simply stop after say an hour or so and refuse to work again. Apparently this is a common problem.
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