Android Question Require an elegant Calendar/Datepicker Control


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I would like to have an elegant Calendar/Date Picker control for capturing from and to dates. Presently I am making do with Spinner control which shows dates between the MIN and MAX Ranges of the dates in the database. This become slightly cumbersome for the end-user who has to scroll through every day (sometimes across months/years). A calendar/datepicker control which enables end-user to scroll fast across months/years would be very useful.

Requesting for :

i) A good calendar/datepicker control which will give uniform display across most devices.

2) A Calendar/date-picker control which can be customized to limit the date display between the 1st day of the month of the From Date and the Last day of the month of the to date.. For example, if the scope of my DATABASE Search is from 15th August,2017 to 9th September,2017 (i.e. the minimum date and the maximum date of the records in my table), then the Calendar/Datepicker control should be customizable to show the dates only from 1st August,2017 to 30th September,2017.



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I checked the b4x-xui-anotherdatepicker content. I downloaded the XUI library and added a reference to the project. Application compiled with no errors. But I am not able to see the calendar control on my mobile. I don't use an emulator but directly compile to my HTC Desire phone. My Android Version is 4.0.3 HTC SDK API LEVEL 4.21.

Ps. advise..

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Yes, I am using the latest B4A version. 7.3+ ... When I compile the application only the Left Label Controls viz. (refer that link) 'Birthday' and 'Another one' are shown in the Screen. The right side which has the AnotherDatePicker1 and AnotherDatepicker2 (refer the code in that link, which are CustomView are not visible at all ! .

Ps. advise..

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Yes, I am using the latest B4A version. 7.3+ ... When I compile the application only the Left Label Controls viz. (refer that link) 'Birthday' and 'Another one' are shown in the Screen. The right side which has the AnotherDatePicker1 and AnotherDatepicker2 (refer the code in that link, which are CustomView are not visible at all ! .

Ps. advise..


To Add, I have not made any changes to the code... Simply compiled it and ran it after downloading...

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Hi Don,

I tried the link which you gave above(refer Link 1) as well as yours on (refer Link 2).

Regarding Link 1, I have issues in displaying the CustomView (I installed the required XUI library) .. refer trail messages replied to Erel's question. I am unable to view the details clearly.

Regarding Link 2, I get the following error message during compilation time:
..\myb4jprogs\MaterialDateTimePicker\Objects\bin\extra\res1\res\layout\mdtp_date_time_picker_dialog.xml:10: error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'layout_scrollFlags' in package 'b4a.example'
..\myb4jprogs\MaterialDateTimePicker\Objects\bin\extra\res1\res\layout\mdtp_date_time_picker_dialog.xml:16: error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'layout_behavior' in package 'b4a.example'
..\myb4jprogs\MaterialDateTimePicker\Objects\bin\extra\res1\res\layout\mdtp_date_time_picker_dialog.xml:16: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'layout_behavior' with value '@string/appbar_scrolling_view_behavior').

Ps. advise...
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Dear Erel,

Attaching the screenshot of the output as per requirement..



  • Complete_details_not_displayed.png
    270.8 KB · Views: 464
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