Android Question RTL Horizontal xCustomListView


New Member
I'm using xCustomListView Horizontally but I want it to place the items from right to left.
How can I do That?


New Member
You can add the items with CLV.InsertAt(0, ...)

This will cause the list to grow from right to left.

Thanks it worked.
but the problem is that it seem the first item is the one on the left(its index is 0). and I should scroll left to see the other items.
but I want the item at right to be the first item shown by clv.
I tried using clv.JumpToItem(clv.Size-1) but nothing happened.(also tried clv.ScrollToItem)

P.S: my app is something like google play store. So I have a vertical clv and inside each if this clv's item I have a horizontal clv (there are 2 loops)
I put clv.JumpToItem after the 2nd loop's Next but before first loop's Next.
something like this:
for i ...
vertical clv1
for j ...
horizontal clv2
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