risen from the dead! i posted this:
2 years ago.
i just tested it a little, seems to work still. there is no "right click" for webview, so i use "long click".
it should work with most image links. tap and hold your finger over an image and save it to your
device. you can choose to save the image to safedirexternal or to the pictures gallery.
note: i'm seeing a lot of .webp images lately. they'll be saved as such.
note II: images in a webview or in a browser are not always linkable (that is, downloadable). i don't
know how your use case will play out.
note III: you can ignore the warning about the external directory. an earlier version of the library
might have saved images to dir.external.
note IV: it's 2 years old. if it serves your purpose, great. if not, you can post what the problem might
be, but no guarantees as to what i can do.
note V: it's possible the ultimatewebview library offers such functionality. you might want to try it.
it's maintained.