iOS Question Scaling and Designs for all iOS devices


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OK, I struggling to get my head around scaling and need some advise on the best way to do this.

I want to support all devices. I see in the designer I can design for iPhone (Landscape and Portrait) and iPad (Landscape and Portrait) . OK so I have four designs created fine.

But when I run on my iPad all the text in the Labels is fine (font set to 32 in the designer) then I try this on my iPod touch and see that all the fonts are now too large.

When I rotate the device it stays in the previous orientation and doesn't switch (losing some of the screen to off screen space area)

I see that AutoScaleAll is now supported...
How does this work? I can't seem to find this command in the code anywhere....

I am sure there is an easy method that I am missing.

With B4A I had a simple routine to scale all views to any size of android device, this worked fine :)

Sub ScaleAll(Act As Activity)
    For Each Item As View In Act.GetAllViewsRecursive
            Item.Left = Item.Left * ScaleH
            Item.Top = Item.Top * ScaleV
            Item.Width = Item.Width * ScaleH
            Item.Height = Item.Height * ScaleV
            ' Skip CustomListView
        End Try
        If Item Is Label Then
            Dim lItem As Label
            lItem = Item
            lItem.TextSize = lItem.TextSize * ScaleT
        End If
        If Item Is Spinner Then
            Dim sItem As Spinner
            sItem = Item
            sItem.TextSize = sItem.TextSize * ScaleT
        End If
End Sub


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Hi, Yes, I understand that is the way to do this, but I can't figure out the method, can you point me to a sample project that uses this method so I can copy this method, please :)
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Sorry Erel,

That doesn't help me. I added Landscape to this project and only got half the screen on my iPad :(


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OK, I have done more investigations and I am still struggling with a solution to this one.

I tried the AutoScaleAll, this doesn't help...

Firstly I use multiple designs

To get the device to change from landscape to portrait I find I need to have "Handle Resize Event" set to true. But this causes a problem with my code where I need to place a list of players in a scrollview

    scrollStarts.Panel.AddView(lblStart1, lblStart1.Left, lblStart1.Top - scrollStarts.Top, lblStart1.Width, lblStart1.Height)
    scrollStarts.Panel.AddView(lblStart2, lblStart2.Left, lblStart2.Top - scrollStarts.Top, lblStart2.Width, lblStart2.Height)
    scrollStarts.Panel.AddView(lblStart3, lblStart3.Left, lblStart3.Top - scrollStarts.Top, lblStart3.Width, lblStart3.Height)
    scrollStarts.Panel.AddView(lblStart4, lblStart4.Left, lblStart4.Top - scrollStarts.Top, lblStart4.Width, lblStart4.Height)
    scrollStarts.Panel.AddView(lblStart5, lblStart5.Left, lblStart5.Top - scrollStarts.Top + scrollStarts.Height - 10, lblStart5.Width, lblStart5.Height)
    scrollStarts.Panel.AddView(lblStart6, lblStart6.Left, lblStart6.Top - scrollStarts.Top + scrollStarts.Height - 10, lblStart6.Width, lblStart6.Height)
    scrollStarts.Panel.AddView(lblStart7, lblStart7.Left, lblStart7.Top - scrollStarts.Top + scrollStarts.Height - 10, lblStart7.Width, lblStart7.Height)
    scrollStarts.Panel.AddView(lblStart8, lblStart8.Left, lblStart8.Top - scrollStarts.Top + scrollStarts.Height - 10, lblStart8.Width, lblStart8.Height)

Even with "Handle Resize Event" set to true for all four Designs the frmStartDesign still does not use the correct orientation.
I tired Designer Scripts like :-

Panel1.HorizontalCenter = 50%x
Panel1.VerticalCenter = 50%y

But when I run on my iPod the view is not shrunk ?!?

I am sorry, but please could you suggest a solution in detail :)

I want to be able to do one design for each orientation (layout changes depending on the view, anchors wont work for this) and then scale this to all devices whether an iPad or iPhone.

Please help. So far B4i has been excellent for me and converting this app from B4A has been very straightforward apart from this issue.
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