Android Question Scaling text size defined as a property in CustomView


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AutoScaleAll works fine for text field defined in the designer, but I have a CustomView class, with multiple text fields, where the text size is defined by an Int property field.
How can I apply the same scaling factor to this parameter?
Is there a way to recover the factor used by the designer and then multiply the property value?


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where the text size is defined by an Int property field.
Int as Integer or typo? TextSize must be set as Float!

Recently I think I saw code suggested by Erel precisely for this... but I also remember not having found it anymore :(

In my opinion, a good method is to load an invisible EditText from a layout and calculate for yourself what was the scaling factor between the TextSize set in the Designer and the resulting one at runtime.

You can still remove the invisible EditText afterwards, although it is not necessary.
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Yes I mean Integer
I used Integer because the standard label text size box in the designed works with integers as well.
I expect to convert to float after scaling and before assigning to actual text field.
I will try the "ghost label" trick to recoved the scaling factor, but I might guess there's a more direct approach.
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as a followup, I set the text size of the base label to 1, and used that as a multiplication factor for my text size
not elegant enough, since the base label text size must be to 1 and it's not really intuitive
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