So I've got a Database with circa 1000 records. Initially I was filling a ListView with these and displaying them.
All was well, the display was almost instantaneous, on a Desire HD.
I then wanted to grey out entries that were in the past.. ListView doesn't allow you to have different colours for items in a list. So I looked at ScrollView. Now this seems to be a lot slower (4 seconds, might not sound a lot but it seems like a long time in an App) in population than ListView. Admittedly it's doing a little more processing to grey items out, but is it just accepted that ScrollView is a lot slower than ListView? I have put some metrics in place and attempted to improve things, but can only seem to get so far.. Any thoughts? Happy to post the code, later on, when I've got it to hand. Maybe I've dropped a clanger in the code somewhere, but I don't think I have.. The SQL access is quick - the population of the ListView or a List is mega quick, it's definitely the ScrollView stuff that seems to be taking the time. I have got some further possibilities to try, but wondered if anyone else had come across this?
I was tempted by having a ListView and then having a different bitmap alongside the (two line) entries to indicate those in the past as opposed to those still current or in the future..
So I've got a Database with circa 1000 records. Initially I was filling a ListView with these and displaying them.
All was well, the display was almost instantaneous, on a Desire HD.
I then wanted to grey out entries that were in the past.. ListView doesn't allow you to have different colours for items in a list. So I looked at ScrollView. Now this seems to be a lot slower (4 seconds, might not sound a lot but it seems like a long time in an App) in population than ListView. Admittedly it's doing a little more processing to grey items out, but is it just accepted that ScrollView is a lot slower than ListView? I have put some metrics in place and attempted to improve things, but can only seem to get so far.. Any thoughts? Happy to post the code, later on, when I've got it to hand. Maybe I've dropped a clanger in the code somewhere, but I don't think I have.. The SQL access is quick - the population of the ListView or a List is mega quick, it's definitely the ScrollView stuff that seems to be taking the time. I have got some further possibilities to try, but wondered if anyone else had come across this?
I was tempted by having a ListView and then having a different bitmap alongside the (two line) entries to indicate those in the past as opposed to those still current or in the future..