iOS Question ScrollView problem


Licensed User
I am working with B4XPages and I have two pages that each have a scrollview each. When I navigate to either page if I navigate to that page before the other one the scroll works fine but the second page I navigate to the scrolling is locked in one direction only. The same thing happens if I start with the other page. This issue occurs when I start up the application. The only page that works fully is the first one I navigate to.


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Licensed User
I launch the program and then click either button first. It then navigates to a scroll view page. The scroll view page works fine, you are able to scroll vertically and horizontally, because it is the first scroll view loaded. To get the error you just have to go back to the main page and then click on the other button to navigate to the other scroll view page. This second scroll view page will only scroll in one direction when it should be able to scroll in the horizontal and vertical direction.

If you restart the application and click on the other button first to navigate to the other scroll view page then it works fine, scrolling vertically and horizontally works. Again, because it is the first one loaded.

I'm trying to figure out why the second scroll view loaded doesn't allow me to scroll vertically and horizontally.
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