One user upgades Android to Lollipop and my app stop working indicating the atached error.
Many user has Android 5 and 5.1 without problem.
What could cause this?
I use this code:
One user upgades Android to Lollipop and my app stop working indicating the atached error.
Many user has Android 5 and 5.1 without problem.
What could cause this?
I use this code:
Dim p As Phone
Dim overall_data_state As Int
Dim cellular_data_state As Int
Dim wifi As Int = p.GetSettings ("wifi_on")
Dim airplane_mode As Int = p.GetSettings ("airplane_mode_on")
Dim manuf As String = p.Manufacturer
Dim model As String = p.Model
'Test the Cellular State
Select Case p.GetDataState
cellular_data_state = 1
Case Else
'Captures the other possible states of "SUSPENDED" "DISCONNECTED" "CONNECTING"
cellular_data_state = 0
End Select