i would like to send a file from a b4j app to a b4i app that are connected to the same wifi network.
i used until today udppacket. this work fine with small files and string but i would like to send bigger files so a suggestion from erel was using ftp server for that:
i checked the thread but did not understand how it works.
i tried to use the b4j server example and perform a ftptask although did not worked.
is there any examples how to do tthat?
thanx, ilan
i would like to send a file from a b4j app to a b4i app that are connected to the same wifi network.
i used until today udppacket. this work fine with small files and string but i would like to send bigger files so a suggestion from erel was using ftp server for that:
[B4X] FTP Server implemented with Socket and AsyncStreams
(Note that the FTP client above is not part of this solution. It only demonstrates how you can use a standard FTP client to communicate with the server.) This is an example of using low level network features to implement a high level protocol. It is an implementation of a standard FTP server...
i checked the thread but did not understand how it works.
i tried to use the b4j server example and perform a ftptask although did not worked.
is there any examples how to do tthat?
thanx, ilan