B4J Question Send Files over WIFI

Alexander Stolte

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hey guys,
I want to realize with b4j what I can with VB.NET already functionally. Since i has many Linux and Mac users, I can not use the programmed in VB.NET.

I am talking about this project: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/net-filetransfer-implement-asyncstreams-prefix-mode.30741/

It works fine on my app, but not in B4j.

I Use this Code:
#Event: NewObject (Key As String, Value As Object)
#Event: Terminated
#Event: ObjectSent (Key as String)
'Class module
Sub Class_Globals
    Private target As Object
    Private Event As String
    Private astream As AsyncStreams
    Public TempFolder As String
    Private FileToKey As Map
    Private TYPE_OBJECT = 1, TYPE_BITMAP = 2, TYPE_FILE = 3 As Byte
    Private waitingForAnotherStream As Boolean
    Private waitingForKey, waitingForName As String
    Private waitingForType As Byte
    Private connected As Boolean
    Private fx As JFX
End Sub

Public Sub Initialize (TargetModule As Object, EventName As String)
    target = TargetModule
    Event = EventName
    TempFolder = File.DirTemp
End Sub
'Tests whether there is an active connection
Public Sub getIsConnected As Boolean
    Return connected
End Sub

'Starts working with the given streams.
Public Sub Start(In As InputStream, Out As OutputStream)
    waitingForAnotherStream = False
    astream.InitializePrefix(In, True, Out, "astream")
    connected = True
End Sub
'Closes the connection
'The Terminated event will be raised.
Public Sub Close
    If astream.IsInitialized Then
    End If
End Sub
'Sends an object. The object is written with RandomAccessFile.WriteObject.
'This method is capable of writing the following types of objects: Lists, Arrays, Maps, Strings, primitive types and user defined types.
Public Sub WriteObject (Key As String, Value As Object)
    Dim name(1) As String
    Dim raf As RandomAccessFile = sharedWrite(Key, name)
    raf.WriteByte(TYPE_OBJECT, raf.CurrentPosition)
    raf.WriteObject(Value, True, raf.CurrentPosition)
    sharedWriteComplete(raf, name(0))
End Sub

'Sends a file. This method doesn't support files from the asset folder.
Public Sub WriteFile (Key As String, Dir As String, FileName As String)
    Dim len As Long = File.Size(Dir, FileName)
    If len = 0 Then
        Log("Error getting file size.")
    End If
    Dim name(1) As String
    Dim raf As RandomAccessFile = sharedWrite(Key, name)
    raf.WriteByte(TYPE_FILE, raf.CurrentPosition)
    sharedWriteComplete(raf, name(0))
    astream.WriteStream(File.OpenInput(Dir, FileName), len)
End Sub
'Sends a bitmap.
Public Sub WriteBitmap (Key As String, Value As Image)
    Dim name(1) As String
    Dim raf As RandomAccessFile = sharedWrite(Key, name)
    raf.WriteByte(TYPE_BITMAP, raf.CurrentPosition)
    sharedWriteComplete(raf, name(0))
    Dim secondPart As String = "~" & name(0)
    Dim out As OutputStream = File.OpenOutput(TempFolder, secondPart, False)
    astream.WriteStream(File.OpenInput(TempFolder, secondPart), _
        File.Size(TempFolder, secondPart))
End Sub

Private Sub sharedWrite(Key As String, outName() As String) As RandomAccessFile
    Dim raf As RandomAccessFile
    Dim name As String = GetAvailableFile(Key)
    File.Delete(TempFolder, name)
    File.Delete(TempFolder, "~" & name) 'delete the second part of the message if such exist
    raf.Initialize(TempFolder, name , False)
    raf.WriteObject(Key, False, raf.CurrentPosition)
    raf.WriteObject(name, False, raf.CurrentPosition)
    outName(0) = name
    Return raf
End Sub

Private Sub sharedWriteComplete(raf As RandomAccessFile, name As String)
    Dim length As Long = raf.CurrentPosition

    astream.WriteStream(File.OpenInput(TempFolder, name),length)
    'astream.WriteStream(File.OpenInput(f, "tmp"), File.Size(f, "tmp"))
End Sub

Private Sub astream_NewStream (Dir As String, FileName As String)
    Dim value As Object
    Dim deleteFile As Boolean = True
    If waitingForAnotherStream Then
        waitingForAnotherStream = False
        'this is the second part of the object
        Select waitingForType
            Case TYPE_BITMAP
                value = fx.LoadImage(Dir, FileName)
            Case TYPE_FILE
                value = FileName 'just return the file name
                deleteFile = False
        End Select
        Dim raf As RandomAccessFile
        raf.Initialize(Dir, FileName, True)
        waitingForKey = raf.ReadObject(raf.CurrentPosition)
        waitingForName = raf.ReadObject(raf.CurrentPosition)
        waitingForType = raf.ReadSignedByte(raf.CurrentPosition)
        Select waitingForType
            Case TYPE_OBJECT
                value = raf.ReadObject(raf.CurrentPosition)
            Case TYPE_FILE, TYPE_BITMAP
                'wait for the second part of the message
                waitingForAnotherStream = True
                File.delete(Dir, FileName)
                Return '<--- return!!!
        End Select
    End If
    waitingForAnotherStream = False
    If deleteFile Then File.delete(Dir, FileName)
    CallSub3(target, Event & "_NewObject", waitingForKey, value)
End Sub

Private Sub astream_NewData (Buffer() As Byte)
    Dim fileName As String = BytesToString(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, "UTF8")
    File.Delete(TempFolder, fileName)
    File.Delete(TempFolder, "~" & fileName) 'delete the second part of the message if such exist
    Dim key As String = FileToKey.Remove(fileName)
    CallSub2(target, Event & "_ObjectSent", key)
End Sub

Private Sub GetAvailableFile (key As String) As String
    Dim i As Int = 1
    Do While FileToKey.ContainsKey("ao" & i)
        i = i + 1
    FileToKey.Put("ao" & i, key)
    Return "ao" & i
End Sub

Private Sub astream_Error
    Log("astream_Error: " & LastException)
    astream_Terminated 'manually call the terminated sub as it will not be called when we close the stream
End Sub

Private Sub astream_Terminated
    connected = False
    CallSub(target, Event & "_Terminated")
End Sub

I get this error while receiving the file in the app on the phone:
Error: (NegativeArraySizeException) java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException: -16777217

And if b4j is at this code, my app crashes:
 astream.WriteStream(File.OpenInput(TempFolder, name),length)