Android Question Serial + Bluetooth


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Longtime User
Sorry if this question is already answered, I can't find it:

How to use ConnectInsecure if I don't know the COMM port number?

ConnectInsecure (Admin As BluetoothAdmin, MacAddress As String, Port As Int)

Another issue: have somebody experienced problems with bluetooth, losing signal sometimes without any reason? I'm using an Arduino and JY-MCU module. It raises Astream_error. It's very important for me a stable connection.

thanks in advance.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks, so ConnectInsecure is for PC communication?

I haven't been able to reproduce the error at home. It occurs when I'm in the car (it's an app for measure data from the car).

Maybe the bluetooth signal is interfered by some external signal?
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dara hayes

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Longtime User
I have read this and other posts and am still confused as to how to use Connect Insecure how do I find the port number so select in bluetooth
I can get Mac from Connectecdevice.Mac and the Admin is how you declare the Blutoothadmin but the port is a mystery I have tried setting both ends to the number 1 and this doesnt work ,some idea on how to find the port number when using this method of connection would be helpfull or more importantly where can I find the information for my self on this matter ?
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dara hayes

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Longtime User
If I read errel's advice correctly above one must try all thirty ports until you dont get an error is that the case really for connect insecure ? thats fine for the initiator end but how does one know what to set the other end of the link if that is also trying to listen insecure it needs to determine a port to listen on , do not understand how this method of connection works
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