I followed this tutorial (https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/server-jokhttputils2-server-version.124350/) to use jOkHttpUtils2 with no success. The OkHttpUtils2 - server mode! is never logged.
1 - Created build config SERVER which is now default !
2- Added jBuilderUtils. Library: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/attachments/jbuilderutils-zip.41578/ (Checked the library and even did AdditionalJar : jBuilderUtils.jar)
Please can someone post a working example ? Seems like I'm doing something wrong.
1 - Created build config SERVER which is now default !
2- Added jBuilderUtils. Library: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/attachments/jbuilderutils-zip.41578/ (Checked the library and even did AdditionalJar : jBuilderUtils.jar)
Please can someone post a working example ? Seems like I'm doing something wrong.