Android Tutorial Service Modules

This is an old tutorial. Most of the information here is no longer correct.

Basic4android v1.2 adds support for Service modules.
Service modules play an important role in the application and process life cycle.
Start with this tutorial if you haven't read it before: Android Process and activities life cycle
Code written in an activity module is paused once the activity is not visible.
So by only using activities it is not possible to run any code while your application is not visible.
Services life cycle is (almost) not affected by the current visible activity. This allows you to run tasks in the background.
Services usually use the status bar notifications to interact with the user. Services do not have any other visible elements. Services also cannot show any dialog (except of toast messages).
Note that when an error occurs in a service code you will not see the "Do you want to continue?" dialog. Android's regular "Process has crashed" message will appear instead.

Before delving into the details I would like to say that using services is simpler than it may first sound. In fact for many tasks it is easier to work with a service instead of an activity as a service is not paused and resumed all the time and services are not recreated when the user rotates the screen. There is nothing special with code written in service.
Code in a service module runs in the same process and the same thread as all other code.

It is important to understand how Android chooses which process to kill when it is low on memory (a new process will later be created as needed).
A process can be in one of the three following states:
- Foreground - The user currently sees one of the process activities.
- Background - None of the activities of the process are visible, however there is a started service.
- Paused - There are no visible activities and no started services.

Paused processes are the first to be killed when needed. If there is still not enough memory, background processes will be killed.
Foreground processes will usually not be killed.

As you will soon see a service can also bring a process to the foreground.

Adding a service module is done by choosing Project - Add New Module - Service Module.
The template for new services is:
Sub Process_Globals

End Sub

Sub Service_Create

End Sub

Sub Service_Start (StartingIntent As Intent)

End Sub

Sub Service_Destroy

End Sub
Sub Process_Globals is the place to declare the service global variables. There is no other Globals sub like in Activity as Service doesn't support Activity objects.
Sub process globals should only be used to declare variables. It should not run any other code as it might fail. This is true for other modules as well.
Note that Process_Global variables are kept as long as the process runs and are accessible from other modules.

Sub Service_Create is called when the service is first started. This is the place to initialize and set the process global variables. Once a service is started it stays alive until you call StopService or until the whole process is destroyed.
Sub Service_Start is called each time you call StartService (or StartServiceAt). When this subs runs the process is moved to the foreground state. Which means that the OS will not kill your process until this sub finishes running. If you want to run some code every couple of minutes / hours you should schedule the next task with StartServiceAt inside this sub.

Sub Service_Destroy is called when you call StopService. The service will not be running after this sub until you call StartService again (which will run Sub Service_Create followed by Sub Service_Start).
Service use cases

As I see it there are four main use cases for services.
- Separating UI code with "business" or logic code. Writing the non-UI code in a service is easier than implementing it inside an Activity module as the service is not paused and resumed and it is usually will not be recreated (like an Activity).
You can call StartService during Activity_Create and from now on work with the service module.
A good design is to make the activity fetch the required data from the service in Sub Activity_Resume. The activity can fetch data stored in a process global variable or it can call a service Sub with CallSub method.

- Running a long operation. For example downloading a large file from the internet. In this case you can call Service.StartForeground (from the service module). This will move your activity to the foreground state and will make sure that the OS doesn't kill it. Make sure to eventually call Service.StopForeground.

- Scheduling a repeating task. By calling StartServiceAt you can schedule your service to run at a specific time. You can call StartServiceAt in Sub Service_Start to schedule the next time and create a repeating task (for example a task that checks for updates every couple of minutes).

- Run a service after boot. By setting the #StartAtBoot attribute to True, our service will run after boot is completed.

Status bar notifications can be displayed by activities and services.
Usually services use notifications to interact with the user. The notification displays an icon in the status bar. When the user pulls the status bar they see the notification message.

Example of a notification (using the default icon):



The user can press on the message, which will open an activity as configured by the Notification object.

The notification icon is an image file which you should manually put in the following folder: <project folder>\Object\res\drawable.
Accessing other modules

Process global objects are public and can be accessed from other modules.
Using CallSub method you can also call a sub in a different module.
It is however limited to non-paused modules. This means that one activity can never access a sub of a different activity as there could only be one running activity.
However an activity can access a running service and a service can access a running activity.
Note that if the target component is paused then an empty string returns.
No exception is thrown.
You can use IsPause to check if the target module is paused.

For example if a service has downloaded some new information it can call:
CallSub(Main, "RefreshData")
If the Main activity is running it will fetch the data from the service process global variables and will update the display.
It is also possible to pass the new information to the activity sub. However it is better to keep the information as a process global variable. This allows the activity to call RefreshData whenever it want and fetch the information (as the activity might be paused when the new information arrived).

Note that it is not possible to use CallSub to access subs of a Code module.

Downloading a file using a service module
Periodically checking Twitter feeds
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Creating ONLY a service


is it possible to just create a service without a (main) activity?

I wish to make a battery counter service = it updates a counter in a TXT file every time the battery gets charged. This allows me to see how often a battery has been charged during its life and more accurately determine when it is time to replace it.

The service should start automatically at boot.

I am trying and most of it works but I can not seem to get rid off the initial activity and users need to manually close it. For this I now use a simple layout of a screen with a button that once pressed, kills the activity.

This all works relatively OK but it is a bit messy. And the service seems to stop after a certain period of time... No a clue as to why..

Any suggestions?




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How to initiate a service Notification?


Status bar notifications can be displayed by activities and services.
Usually services use notifications to interact with the user. The notification displays an icon in the status bar. When the user pulls the status bar they see the notification message.

Hi Erel,

I am trying to use service.startforeground() in order for my service not to get killed by the OS but I have to give it an ID -I've tried 0- and a Notification. How do you set up such a notification? Seems to be an array?

More bluntly, I am merely looking for a way for my service to run permanently.. I do not necessarily require this notification to be passed on to the OS but this service.startforeground() seems to be the only one that prevents a service from being killed and requires it?




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Hi Erel,

I am trying to use service.startforeground() in order for my service not to get killed by the OS but I have to give it an ID -I've tried 0- and a Notification. How do you set up such a notification? Seems to be an array?

More bluntly, I am merely looking for a way for my service to run permanently.. I do not necessarily require this notification to be passed on to the OS but this service.startforeground() seems to be the only one that prevents a service from being killed and requires it?



I would not recommand to use startForeground, do you really need the service to run all the time ? or every few seconds or minuets is good enough ? (more friendly toward other apps) - so you an use startServiceAt (now + X miliseconds) when you are at the end of your service_start sub.

or (better in my mind) find the right event you can listen to , and make sure your service is register (manifest) to wake up on that event (better assuming you can find that event) because the service will wake up on that event no matter if the activity was running or not (after boot for example)

example could be (I have not tried it, but it seems like the right event)
at Monitoring the Battery Level and Charging State | Android Developers


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it seems (from reading only) that all you need to do it register to that event and in your start sub, update the data / app / activity you want to update (when the % change)


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register service to wake up

I would not recommand to use startForeground, do you really need the service to run all the time ? or every few seconds or minuets is good enough ? (more friendly toward other apps) - so you an use startServiceAt (now + X miliseconds) when you are at the end of your service_start sub.

or (better in my mind) find the right event you can listen to , and make sure your service is register (manifest) to wake up on that event (better assuming you can find that event) because the service will wake up on that event no matter if the activity was running or not (after boot for example)

example could be (I have not tried it, but it seems like the right event)
at Monitoring the Battery Level and Charging State | Android Developers

Hi Melamoud,

thank you for your response. I am very interested to wake up (or (re)start) my service the moment such event happens. This event is already correctly triggered by Android the moment a DC charger is plugged in. At that exact moment it raises device_batterychanged(with plugged = true). Only at that time do I wish to have the service running in order to simply add 1 to a battery counter of how many times the battery has been charged.

How to do this? I am a novice in editing the manifest..




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go to project menu, choose manifest editor
add the following line
AddReceiverText(s1, <intent-filter>
    <action android:name="android.intent.action.PHONE_STATE" />

replace the s2 with your service module name, and the PHONE_STATE with the event you want to listen to (
you can add as many lines like that as you want to call other services or same service with other events

if you need persmissions (special permissions) you will need to add lines like this:

the service start sub will be called and the parameters will be in the intent (and the extra) parameters,

if you need more help let me know.


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external events

go to project menu, choose manifest editor
add the following line
AddReceiverText(s1, <intent-filter>
    <action android:name="android.intent.action.PHONE_STATE" />

replace the s2 with your service module name, and the PHONE_STATE with the event you want to listen to (
you can add as many lines like that as you want to call other services or same service with other events

if you need persmissions (special permissions) you will need to add lines like this:

the service start sub will be called and the parameters will be in the intent (and the extra) parameters,

if you need more help let me know.

Hi melamoud,

I need a little push... Here is my service module code so far =

Sub Process_Globals
   Dim battery_counter As Int
   Dim device As PhoneEvents
   Dim root, settingspath As String
   Dim Charging_Now, Charging_Before As Boolean   
End Sub

Sub Service_Create
   settingspath = root & "/mpTouch/settings/"
   If File.Exists(settingspath, "battery.txt") Then
      battery_counter = File.ReadString(settingspath, "battery.txt")
      File.WriteString(settingspath, "battery.txt", battery_counter)
   End If
End Sub

Sub Service_Start (StartingIntent As Intent)
End Sub

Sub Service_Destroy
End Sub

Sub device_BatteryChanged(Level As Int, Scale As Int, Plugged As Boolean, Intent As Intent)
   If Plugged Then 
      Charging_Now = True
      Charging_Now = False
   End If
   If (Charging_Before = False) AND Charging_Now Then
      battery_counter = battery_counter+1
      File.WriteString(settingspath, "battery.txt", battery_counter)
   End If
   Charging_Before = Charging_Now
   ToastMessageShow("counter: " &battery_counter, False)  
End Sub

Works perfect. But the service just vanishes after some time. Don't know why but my guess is that it is kicked out by Android. The reason I went exploring StartForeground() as that seems to prevent Android from killing it.

I am still a bit puzzled by your suggestions. Especially how to ''jump'' into my code via these ''external'' events taking place. I normally write code that listens to it and it then jumps to the sub dealing with that event (and indeed waste a lot of resources while doing this)

So if you can give me just a few more tips on the basis of my current code, I would appreciate that very much.




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if you use the events method your Service_Start will get called every time the battery change (guessing according to the documentation) - you should check that
just add a log of StartingIntent and the StartingIntent.extraToString at the begining of your Service_start and wait to see how android cal it when the % change

my guess is that you will be able to extract (from the extra) all / most of the needed details to call your BatteryChanged sub.

first try to edit the manifest , add the logs, and wait for the battery change to happen (also plug / unplug the device) according to the docs, you will get few parameters in the extra: (when listening to ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED)
you have one param EXTRA_STATUS that the value will be FULL or in charging
you have one param EXTRA_PLUGGED the value will be USB or AC

seems to be the same, so if the first one does not work, try these two..

you will also get int the extra two more params EXTRA_LEVEL and EXTRA_SCALE

so it seems you will get everything you need

send me snippet of the logs


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I played with it a bit, and sorry I was wrong,
apperntly the specific event (battery change) which is the one you need to know the level and scale can only be registered dynamicly using (in B4A) BroadCastReceiver lib.

you can not (in android) register for this event using the manifest - sorry (not sure why they did it)

so I think the way to do this is using startServiceAt("",DateTime.Now+60*DateTime.TicksPerSecond,True)
at the end of your Service_Start sub,
this will make sure that your start will be called every 60 seconds , and they you can try to see the batter level see if it changed etc


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starting service on event android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED

if you use the events method your Service_Start will get called every time the battery change (guessing according to the documentation) - you should check that
just add a log of StartingIntent and the StartingIntent.extraToString at the begining of your Service_start and wait to see how android cal it when the % change

my guess is that you will be able to extract (from the extra) all / most of the needed details to call your BatteryChanged sub.

first try to edit the manifest , add the logs, and wait for the battery change to happen (also plug / unplug the device) according to the docs, you will get few parameters in the extra: (when listening to ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED)
you have one param EXTRA_STATUS that the value will be FULL or in charging
you have one param EXTRA_PLUGGED the value will be USB or AC

seems to be the same, so if the first one does not work, try these two..

you will also get int the extra two more params EXTRA_LEVEL and EXTRA_SCALE

so it seems you will get everything you need

send me snippet of the logs

I added to my manifest =

AddReceiverText(autostart, <intent-filter>
    <action android:name="android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED" />

I also added a log in my service_start to see if it actually gets there =

Sub Service_Start (StartingIntent As Intent)
   Log("Service start called")
   ToastMessageShow("called", False)  
End Sub

Doesn't work at all....

Internet =!topic/android-developers/Ew4wqAJ_ois




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asI wrote on the later post, Iplayed with it and it is not working, you have to use startServiceAt approach


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running a service permanently

asI wrote on the later post, Iplayed with it and it is not working, you have to use startServiceAt approach

Hi melamoud,

my reply crossed yours (or I was just not paying attention...). Thank you for all your help, I am now testing the app. I think I have solved all of it with the help of you and snippets on this forum. Here is my result for those following this thread or are searching for similar things.

Setup =

A/ In Activity_Create, call the service via StartService(service module name)
B/ Follow up by Activity.Finish (so the activity is no longer relevant)
C/ Create a Notification so you can make use of
D/ Service.StartForeground(ID,Notification). This keeps the service running and also does some rather cool stuff in the task bar.
E/ set the service to run at startup (when in the tab of the service, go to Project, Service Properties)

Sub Process_Globals
      Dim sNotif As Notification
      Dim device As PhoneEvents
End Sub

Sub Service_Create
   sNotif.Icon = "icon"
   sNotif.SetInfo("Battery Counter by imagineear","Monitoring...",Main)
   sNotif.Sound = False
end sub

Sub device_BatteryChanged(Level As Int, Scale As Int, Plugged As Boolean, Intent As Intent)
   If Plugged Then 
      Charging_Now = True
      Charging_Now = False
   End If
   If (Charging_Before = False) AND Charging_Now Then
      battery_counter = battery_counter+1
      File.WriteString(settingspath, "battery.txt", battery_counter)
   End If
   Charging_Before = Charging_Now
End Sub

I have left out some non-relevant declarations etc. If anyone can not get this to work at all, drop me a line.




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How to show Service Status

I modified the example in this thread to show Service Status but I don't work. I had tested all the alternative but didn't work.
I have to double click the Start and Stop Button to have the correct status shown.


Activity Module Code

'Activity module
Sub Process_Globals
    'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
    'These variables can be accessed from all modules.
    Dim Timer1 As Timer
End Sub

Sub Globals
    'These global variables will be redeclared each time the activity is created.
    'These variables can only be accessed from this module.
    Dim StartS As Button
    Dim StopS As Button
    Dim Label1 As Label
    Dim Label2 As Label
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    'Do not forget to load the layout file created with the visual designer. For example:
End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume
    Label1.Text= ServiceM.Counter
    If IsPaused(ServiceM)= False Then
    End If 
End Sub
Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
End Sub
Sub Timer1_Tick
    Label1.Text= ServiceM.Counter
End Sub
Sub StopS_Click
    CancelScheduledService(ServiceM)  ' to end the command StartServiceAt
End Sub
Sub StartS_Click
End Sub
Sub UpdateStatus
    If IsPaused(ServiceM)=True Then
        Label2.Text = "Service is Paused"
        Label2.Text = "Service is Active"
    End If 
End Sub
Service Module code

'Service module
Sub Process_Globals
    'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
    'These variables can be accessed from all modules.
    'Dim TimerService As Timer
    Dim Counter As Int
    Counter = 0
    Dim N As Notification
End Sub
Sub Service_Create
    n.Icon = "icon"
    n.Sound = False
    n.Vibrate = False
    n.Light = False
    n.SetInfo("Timer Start", Counter, Main) 
    'Change Main (above) to "" if this code is in the main module.
End Sub

Sub Service_Start (StartingIntent As Intent)
    Counter = Counter+1
    n.SetInfo("Timer Start", Counter, Main) 
    'Change Main (above) to "" if this code is in the main module.
End Sub

Sub Service_Destroy
End Sub


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might be timing isues, it takes time for the service to start / stop, you need to wait for ut, currenly you update the status immidiatly after the call to start or stop.

I suggest you implement a timer (or use the one you already have) to check for status every X seconds and update label 2 (or just wait (maybe using a timer) , after you start or cancel , a bit and update label2


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might be timing isues, it takes time for the service to start / stop, you need to wait for ut, currenly you update the status immidiatly after the call to start or stop.

I suggest you implement a timer (or use the one you already have) to check for status every X seconds and update label 2 (or just wait (maybe using a timer) , after you start or cancel , a bit and update label2

Thank you very much, I added some delay using the only timer I had.
And it work !,
Thank You very much.


'Activity module
Sub Process_Globals
    'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
    'These variables can be accessed from all modules.
    Dim Timer1 As Timer

End Sub

Sub Globals
    'These global variables will be redeclared each time the activity is created.
    'These variables can only be accessed from this module.
    Dim StartS As Button
    Dim StopS As Button
    Dim Label1 As Label
    Dim Label2 As Label
    Dim Status As Boolean
    Dim TimerOff As Boolean
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    'Do not forget to load the layout file created with the visual designer. For example:
    If FirstTime Then 
        Status = False
        TimerOff = False
    End If
End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume
    Label1.Text= ServiceM.Counter
    If IsPaused(ServiceM)= False Then
    End If 
End Sub
Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
End Sub
Sub Timer1_Tick
    Label1.Text= ServiceM.Counter
    If Status = True Then
        Status = False
    End If     
    If TimerOff = True Then
        TimerOff = False
    End If
End Sub
Sub StopS_Click
    CancelScheduledService(ServiceM)  ' to end the command StartServiceAt
    Status = True
    TimerOff = True
End Sub
Sub StartS_Click
    Status = True
End Sub
Sub UpdateStatus
    If IsPaused(ServiceM)=True Then
        Label2.Text = "Service is Paused"
        Label2.Text = "Service is Active"
    End If 
End Sub
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Service runing if I use Compile & Run from b4a, and not runing if I install from sd card?!

Service module
#Region  Service Attributes 
   #StartAtBoot: True
#End Region

Sub Process_Globals
   'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
   'These variables can be accessed from all modules.

Dim si As SmsInterceptor
Dim SMSs As PhoneSms

End Sub
Sub Service_Create

      'incoming messages
      'ToastMessageShow("Uruchomione...", True)
End Sub

Sub Service_Start (StartingIntent As Intent)

End Sub

Sub Service_Destroy

End Sub

Sub si_MessageReceived(From As String, Body As String) As Boolean
   'ToastMessageShow(From & " - " & Body,False)
    If From.Contains("666666666") Then
    'Log ("Odebrało się")
         'teraz tworze wiadomosc
      Dim txt As String
      txt = "Wiadomosc odebrana od: "
      txt = txt & From & ";"
      txt = txt & DateTime.Date(DateTime.Now) & " " & DateTime.Time(DateTime.Now) & ";"
      txt = txt & Body
    End If
End Sub


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my manifest

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
   <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="4" android:targetSdkVersion="14"/>
   <supports-screens android:largeScreens="true" 
   <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS"/>
   <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SEND_SMS"/>
   <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_SMS"/>
   <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED"/>
      android:label="Testowy Messaging Service">
         android:label="Testowy Messaging Service"
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
            <!--<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> -->
      <service android:name=".sms">
      <receiver android:name=".sms$sms_BR">
         <action android:name="android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED"/>
      <service android:name=".smsr">
      <receiver android:name=".smsr$smsr_BR">
         <action android:name="android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED"/>


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1. install from IDE with <!--<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> --> - services work
2. install from sd card with <!--<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> --> - services not work
3. install from sd card without <!--<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> --> - services not work
4. install from sd card without <!--<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> --> AND launch ONE TIME - service WORK with every boot!!!!!!

IDE start the program after installation is probably why the services are running ??!
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