Android Question Services and Toast message

Hi ,
I start a service with startserviceat that activate an alert message at a given time and set the next scheduled alert.
1. When the phone is not connected to the computer I dont get the alert message.
2. How can i have a message in the notification on the top of the phone.
The service doesn t run any activy just message and update list of
Sub AlerterMessage
    Dim lstDay, lsthour, lstminute,nowDay, nowHour, nowMinute  As Int
    nowDay = DateTime.GetDayOfWeek(DateTime.Now)
    nowHour = DateTime.GetHour(DateTime.Now)
    nowMinute = DateTime.GetMinute(DateTime.Now)
    For i = 0 To nextMessagesMapsList.Size - 1
        Dim m As Map
        m = nextMessagesMapsList.Get(i)
        lstDay = m.Get("dayOfWeek")
        lsthour = m.Get("hours")
        lstminute = m.Get("minutes")
        Dim lstmessage As String = "m.Get(message) :" & m.Get("message")
        Log(lstDay & ":" & lstDay & ":" &lstDay & ":" & lstmessage)
        If (lstDay <> nowDay) Or (lsthour <> nowHour) Or (lstminute <> nowMinute) Then
        End If
        'Dim cs As CSBuilder
        'ToastMessageShow(cs, True)
        ShowCustomToast("lstmessage", True, Colors.Green)
        Dim cs As CSBuilder
        ShowCustomToast(cs, True, Colors.Red)
End Sub

Sub ShowCustomToast(Text As Object, LongDuration As Boolean, BackgroundColor As Int)
    Dim ctxt As JavaObject
    Dim duration As Int
    If LongDuration Then duration = 1 Else duration = 0
    Dim toast As JavaObject
    toast = toast.InitializeStatic("android.widget.Toast").RunMethod("makeText", Array(ctxt, Text, duration))
    Dim v As View = toast.RunMethod("getView", Null)
    Dim cd As ColorDrawable
    cd.Initialize(BackgroundColor, 20dip)
    v.Background = cd
    'uncomment to show toast in the center:
    '   toast.RunMethod("setGravity", Array( _
    '       Bit.Or(Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL, Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL), 0, 0))
    toast.RunMethod("show", Null)
End Sub
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