Android Example Share Text File Between 2 Apps

This is just another example based on the ManageExternalStorage class provided by @agraham.
It is a response to this question.

B4ARepositoryWriter - writes a text file to an "external" directory (you can view using File Explorer).
B4ARepositoryReader - reads the text file in this directory if it exist.

I guess if we are able to read a text file then it should be possible to read keyvaluestore or sqlite files.

Note: I have modified slightly the class by modify the package name by reading Application.PackageName
Credit to Andrew Graham



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Since your apps won't be published to the Play store,you could keep it simple by setting sdk level to 28 and storing files at File.DirRootExternal location, directly accessible to all 3 apps.


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Since your apps won't be published to the Play store,you could keep it simple by setting sdk level to 28 and storing files at File.DirRootExternal location, directly accessible to all 3 apps.
I was unable to get it work under Android 14 even though I set the targetSDK to 23.


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I was unable to get it work under Android 14 even though I set the targetSDK to 23.
I think I missed the RuntimePermissions. I can't remember why it was an issue last time.

Dim rp As RuntimePermissions
Wait For B4XPage_PermissionResult (Permission As String, Result As Boolean)
Log($"${Permission} = ${Result}"$)


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Zeev Goldstein

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
exactly what i was searching for long time

one question: will it be accepted by google play store?