Android Example Simple ComboBox concept: WORKS!

hey guys... since we cant enter text but only select in spinner...
i have a small simple concept that can make it like our old VB combo box

its got to do with... aligning an edittext and a spinner... and masking some of the colors.. to get it to work like a combo box
only code required is the on select event of the spinner

lemme know how u like it



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hey buddy
i did try this.. but it kept getting stuck on my ICS..
especially on exit it mostly gave me force close..
so first selection it worked fine... 2nd selection... the drop down list would freeze. .. never worked smoothly on my emulator either...
so hence i came up with this logic
and i dint find AutoComplete suiting what i wanted


Well-Known Member
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I see. I hadn't seen that or had a report of it, but I will certainly look into it. The source is attached to that thread, so feel free to modify it if you'd like.

--- Jem

Derek Jee

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Hello there

Thank you, I am playing (working) with your combo box and have an issue. I have a few of them on my activity, each getting data from a cursor and only a dozen items will be loaded on each. When I run my app, even in release mode there is a definite pause while it loads the combo box onto the panel/activity. This is even without loading data into it. This is done in activity_create.. Can you tell me if I have done something wrong in my code or put it in the wrong place? Does anyone else see this behaviour?

Thank you,


    flCB.Initialize(Activity, Me, Null, "flCB")
    pnl.AddView(flCB.AsView, 0, 0 , 40, 40)