sip matter


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Hi all !
How to invoke numeric key pad with command ? (sip(true) invokes only alphabetical keyboard .) :sign0085:


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sip(true) invoke a default can change default keybord in reestr but i think it is request SoftReset...


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It is possible in NSBASIC CE to invoke numeric or alphabetical keybord . I want such an action in basic4PPC .


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you call SIP=True
Check the colour of the pixel in the '123' area of the SIP panel.
Depending on the colour of the pixel, invoke a mouse down event on that pixel/area. The SIP will change. Voila !!

Activate/Deatctivate the numeric panel

Sorry if I sound a little curt. Google is my friend.

I get married in a week and really haven't got time to help further.
I hope this post urges someone on.


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I have downloaded new hardware.dll(both desktop and device) and copied it to lmy application . while I tried to compile an error msg occurs ! "Error compiling program . Error message: error CS0117: System.hardware doesnot contain a definition for 'ShowNumericSIP' .Line number 8 . Line: Hard.ShowNumericSIP " . What to do ? I have attached my file here .


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I did what Erel said and guess what. It doesn't work on my device.

Method ShowNumericSIP shows the default SIP :(

@Erel, don't waste your time on me.
I'd updated some device libs last night, 'prior to my holiday next week', and tried it at work today just for the fun of it.


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On my device it doesn't work either. The device is a HTC Touch Diamond 2, with Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional . The SIP is from HTC version 2.1, build ( 19.19.1320). Strange is that when I set manually the SIP to Numeric both buttons return it to Default. But from Default to Numeric doesn't work.
A solution would be nice.
