Android Question Slow loading MySQL image with jRDC2

Anderson Linhares

Licensed User
I'm using jRDC2 and everything is working. I record in the MySQL database the image taken from the camera of the device (the image field is LONGBLOB, because I tried to use BLOB and it makes a mistake when recording), but when I use a SELECT to get the image next to the other fields, it takes 14 seconds to finish loading. When the image field is empty (nullo) it takes nothing. I use the MySQL server and the B4A application on the local network.
Any solution?

Anderson Linhares

Licensed User
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    'Do not forget to load the layout file created with the visual designer. For example:
    'Carrega dados do agendamento e abre o painel solicitado   
    Dim req As DBRequestManager = CreateRequest
    Dim cmd As DBCommand = CreateCommand("select_agenda",Array(agenda.mCod_Lancamento))
    Wait For (req.ExecuteQuery(cmd, 0, Null)) JobDone(j As HttpJob)
    If j.Success Then
        req.HandleJobAsync(j, "req")
        Wait For (req) req_Result(res As DBResult)
        If res.Rows.Size > 0 Then
            Dim row() As Object = res.Rows.Get(0)
            DateTime.TimeFormat = "HH:mm"
            LblCL_Nick.Text = row(res.Columns.Get("CL_Nick"))
            LblAG_Hora_Agenda.Text = row(res.Columns.Get("AG_Hora_Agenda"))
            LblPC_Nome.Text = row(res.Columns.Get("PC_Nome"))
            mData_Atendimento = Starter.G_Data_Atendimento.SubString2(6,10) & "/" & Starter.G_Data_Atendimento.SubString2(3,5) & "/" & Starter.G_Data_Atendimento.SubString2(0,2)
            mHora_Atendimento = DateTime.Time(DateTime.Now)
            mCod_Cliente = row(res.Columns.Get("AG_Cod_Cliente"))
            mCod_Procedimento = row(res.Columns.Get("AG_Cod_Procedimento"))
            mTipo_Procedimento = row(res.Columns.Get("PC_Tipo"))
            mValor_Procedimento = row(res.Columns.Get("PC_Valor"))
            If mTipo_Procedimento = "Cílios" Then
                ScvAtendimento.Panel.Height = PnlAtendimento.Height
            else If mTipo_Procedimento = "Epilação" Then
                ScvAtendimento.Panel.Height = PnlAtendimento.Height
            else If mTipo_Procedimento = "Sobrancelhas" Then
                ScvAtendimento.Panel.Height = PnlAtendimento.Height
            End If
            If  row(res.Columns.Get("CL_Foto")) <> Null Then
                ImgCL_Foto.Bitmap = CreateRequest.BytesToImage(row(res.Columns.Get("CL_Foto")))
            End If
        End If
        Log("ERROR: " & j.ErrorMessage)
    End If
End Sub


sql.select_agenda=Select agenda.*,cliente.CL_Nick,cliente.CL_Foto,procedimento.PC_Nome,procedimento.PC_Tipo,procedimento.PC_Valor From agenda Left Join Cliente On Agenda.AG_Cod_Cliente = Cliente.CL_Cod_Cliente Left Join procedimento On agenda.AG_Cod_Procedimento = procedimento.PC_Cod_Procedimento Where agenda.AG_Cod_Lancamento = ?

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Licensed User
Longtime User
What I do:

- mostly you don't need the original Image, so reduce it's size to e.g. 800x600 with 80% (JPEG) = 100-300 KB per image
- take the search how to do that
- I only use LONG or MEDIUMTEXT as a Format (more than enough)
- I convert the reduced image to a Base64 string which add's about 100 KB to the size
- benefit: very easy to handle (when you exchange data between platforms)

Another option

- usually you do not store large data in a db (only the index)
- the image itsself can be stored as a file on the server (encrypted if you like)
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Anderson Linhares

Licensed User
Could you guide me in how to proceed to make this reduction of the image?
Here is the code for how I am capturing the image from the camera and writing to the database:

Sub PrepareSurface As ResumableSub
    SetState(False, busystate, VideoMode)
    'sizes can be modified here
    If VideoMode Then
        cam.PreviewSize.Initialize(640, 480)
        'Using a temporary file to store the video.
        Wait For (cam.PrepareSurfaceForVideo(MyTaskIndex, VideoFileDir, "temp-" & VideoFileName)) Complete (Success As Boolean)
        cam.PreviewSize.Initialize(544, 416)
        Wait For (cam.PrepareSurface(MyTaskIndex)) Complete (Success As Boolean)
    End If
    If Success Then cam.StartPreview(MyTaskIndex, VideoMode)
    SetState(Success, busystate, VideoMode)
    Return Success
End Sub

Sub TakePicture
        SetState(openstate, True, VideoMode)
        Wait For(cam.FocusAndTakePicture(MyTaskIndex)) Complete (Data() As Byte)
        SetState(openstate, False, VideoMode)
        Dim bmp As Bitmap = cam.DataToBitmap(Data)
        If frontCamera Then
            bmp = bmp.Rotate(270)
            bmp = bmp.Rotate(90)
        End If
        Log("Picture taken: " & bmp)
        pnlBackground.SetVisibleAnimated(100, True)
        pnlPicture.SetBackgroundImage(bmp.Resize(pnlPicture.Width, pnlPicture.Height, True)).Gravity = Gravity.CENTER
        pnlBackground.SetVisibleAnimated(500, False)
        atendimento.mFoto = bmp
    End Try
End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume
    If ImgMT_Imagem.IsInitialized And mFoto.IsInitialized And mTipo_Foto = "Procedimento" Then
        ImgMT_Imagem.Bitmap = mFoto
    End If
    If ImgCL_Foto.IsInitialized And mFoto.IsInitialized And mTipo_Foto = "Cadastro" Then
        ImgCL_Foto.Bitmap = mFoto
        Dim mImagem() As Byte
        If ImgCL_Foto.Bitmap = Null Then
            mImagem = Null
            mImagem = CreateRequest.ImageToBytes(ImgCL_Foto.Bitmap)
        End If
        Dim cmd1 As DBCommand = CreateCommand("update_cliente", Array(mImagem, mCod_Cliente))
        Dim j1 As HttpJob = CreateRequest.ExecuteBatch(Array(cmd1), Null)
        Wait For(j1) JobDone(j1 As HttpJob)
        If j1.Success Then
            ToastMessageShow("Foto Atualizada !!!",False)
            ToastMessageShow("Erro ao Gravar Foto !!!",False)
        End If
    End If
    mTipo_Foto = ""
End Sub

Should I change the BLOB field to LONG? How will I convert and save the image in MySQL and also how will I display it when loading from the database?
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Anderson Linhares

Licensed User
Start success: true
(Rect)(0, 0, 5328, 3000)
Picture taken: (Bitmap): 1080 x 1920, scale = 1,00
** Activity (cameraaparelho) Pause, UserClosed = true **
Ignoring event: camera_previewcapturecomplete
** Activity (atendimento) Resume **
length: 663441
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