So I thought I would promote my app Smack a Smiley
on AdMob with a simple banner ad
but it kept getting rejected with no explanation other then
'There has been an internal error. Please try again later.'
I tried for weeks with no success. I posted questions on the AdMob forums with no response and of course one is more likely to discover life on Mars than get an intelligible response from AdMob or Google.
I finally tried a text ad and walla... the solution appeared.
AdWords apparently flags the work 'smack'.
As if smacking things around on our smartphone screens is anything new.
Or maybe the word smiley is too much to handle. I mean, we don't want any sad, smashed, and depressed smiley faces floating around the Android world now do we. It sends a bad message.
I suppose it could be simply the letter 'a' but idunno, I got nothing there.
Maybe 'Smack Your Smiley'?
I came to the conclusion must be the word smack. The word 'smack' does convey a sense of violence and aggression towards your phone.
We don't want our customers to be smacking our phones around too much now do we?.
It's just bad for business.
So what do I do?
Rename my app 'Love and Lightly Tap a Smiley'?
I bet they would have no problem promoting my app Bash a Bieber.
Anyways, I thought this was amusing...
on AdMob with a simple banner ad
but it kept getting rejected with no explanation other then
'There has been an internal error. Please try again later.'
I tried for weeks with no success. I posted questions on the AdMob forums with no response and of course one is more likely to discover life on Mars than get an intelligible response from AdMob or Google.
I finally tried a text ad and walla... the solution appeared.
AdWords apparently flags the work 'smack'.
As if smacking things around on our smartphone screens is anything new.
Or maybe the word smiley is too much to handle. I mean, we don't want any sad, smashed, and depressed smiley faces floating around the Android world now do we. It sends a bad message.
I suppose it could be simply the letter 'a' but idunno, I got nothing there.
Maybe 'Smack Your Smiley'?
I came to the conclusion must be the word smack. The word 'smack' does convey a sense of violence and aggression towards your phone.
We don't want our customers to be smacking our phones around too much now do we?.
It's just bad for business.
So what do I do?
Rename my app 'Love and Lightly Tap a Smiley'?
I bet they would have no problem promoting my app Bash a Bieber.
Anyways, I thought this was amusing...
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