Android Question Socket & AsyncStreams


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How to keep alive the socket connection ?
I mean that the user need to keep the app and the connection alive to send data to the connected devices.


Sub Process_Globals
     Dim WFPrinter AsSocket 'Network library
     Dim AStreams AsAsyncStreams 'RandomAccessFile library
End Sub


Sub Activity_Resume
   Starter.WFPrinter.Connect("", 9100, 0)
End Sub

Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)

If UserClosed Then
End If

End Sub

Sub WFPrinter_Connected (Successful As Boolean)


If Successful Then

Starter.AStreams.Initialize(Starter.WFPrinter.InputStream,       Starter.WFPrinter.OutputStream, "AStreams")


End If

End Sub

I tested my code and I can see that the "AStreams_Terminated" is called also when the app is in foreground and KeepAlive(True) is called.


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You shouldn't initialize the variables from the main activity. Initialize them inside the service and manage all the communication related events in the service.

Example: [B4X] Network + AsyncStreams + B4XSerializator

I initialized the variables within the STARTER SERVICE but in the log I see the "AStreams_Terminated" event (in the early version tests of my App). :-(

So after this event if I check the AStreams and I found it "not initialized".

And I cannot run ...


I don't understand the reason because after x time (few minutes) the
AsyncStreams is closed (also if I initialize it within the Starter).
So when the app start I can send data and the connection is alive. After x time (of inactivity) the stream is lost.

Is it the OS that terminates the connection or the connected (target device) ?
Is it the connect timeout ?

WFPrinter.Connect(WFPrinterIP, WFPrinterPortNum, 10000)
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Did you also move all your comms related events into the service?

- Colin.
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