Hi everyone,
previously i was using a webview for previewing content from cache (eg.: image), Dir has File.DirInternalCache path:
Do you know the exact path to load file from cache using WebViewAssetLoader for API 30
"https://appassets.androidplatform.net/public/shared/packets/"& subDir. &"/"& FileName" 'This works perfect from internal
Already tried:
"https://appassets.androidplatform.net/public/cache/packets/"& subDir. &"/"& FileName"
The files are there in the exact path and subfolders ("cache/packets")
Help would be very appreciated.
previously i was using a webview for previewing content from cache (eg.: image), Dir has File.DirInternalCache path:
WV.LoadHtml($"<img src="${xui.FileUri(Dir, FileName)}" style="width: 100%;height: auto;"/>"$)
Do you know the exact path to load file from cache using WebViewAssetLoader for API 30
"https://appassets.androidplatform.net/public/shared/packets/"& subDir. &"/"& FileName" 'This works perfect from internal
Already tried:
"https://appassets.androidplatform.net/public/cache/packets/"& subDir. &"/"& FileName"
The files are there in the exact path and subfolders ("cache/packets")
Help would be very appreciated.