Android Question [SOLVED] Adding own application icon


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Probably it is a basic question, but I can't find a clear procedurę how to add own app icon.

May I ask for some help ?



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Thank you very much Mr Erel. Working.
Which is the recomended size for the picture ?

When I have added a rys.jpg (temporary icon file) to the files catalog I have got this worning about it (attached picture because I cannot copy this text). There is also the same message a
file I am trying to use as a backgrounf of app starting page. I don't know what it is "Files tab".
What I have to do with this worning ?

Kind regards. TomKluz


  • Worning_icon.jpg
    19.1 KB · Views: 431
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I have looked over Beginer guide and IDE manual in pdf and also seen your video (IDE tips). There is written a term 'files tab' few times. I know that I have to add a files used by project (for example icon picture) into files folder. If it is done from external it has to be synchronised. I know this but I don't know where in IDE is an entrance to perform it.
May you please to give me this path ?
Thank you for icon size.
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Thank you Mr Klaus
Finally I have discovered a path in designer: Windows\Files and further. This was an entrance to Files tab. Worning has dissapeard.
I am going to ask you also about the same thing in B4J. How to prepeare an icon there, because I didn't found this option in B4J.
Should I migrate with this question to B4J group ?

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