Hi Erel, I just tried placing some ads on an updated app i need to release, i'm using admob library v2.0 with the latest google-play-services.jar file, unfortunately the ads are now showing up, i discussed it with a few developers in the chat room, and for one of them the ads are working, but it seems he is using an older version of the google-play-services.jar file, for another one his admob sample is not working as it crashes when the app is launched and he is also using the latest google-play-services.jar file.
Do you think you could look into it, i have a feeling that the library needs to be updated to work with the latest file. Thanks in advanced.
this is what i can see in the unfiltered logs
Do you think you could look into it, i have a feeling that the library needs to be updated to work with the latest file. Thanks in advanced.
this is what i can see in the unfiltered logs
Starting ad request.
Use AdRequest.Builder.addTestDevice("7BC2E578884AFA633C50EE69738C22ED") to get test ads on this device.
Please set theme of AdActivity to @android:style/Theme.Translucent to enable transparent background interstitial ad.
Received error HTTP response code: 400
Failed to load ad: 0
[WARNING:aw_content_browser_client.cc(108)] Failed to find the associated render view host for url: gmsg://mobileads.google.com/jsLoaded?google.afma.Notify_dt=1427217942988