Hello community,
i have a little problem with a CustomListView in a TabPane with data from SQL.
When i want to show more than 1 item from SQLlite it doesn't show.
In the CustomListView is only shown 1 item on the top of the list.
I have this code:
... and this is the code for "CreateListItem_Schule":
Does anyone see the mistake?
i have a little problem with a CustomListView in a TabPane with data from SQL.
When i want to show more than 1 item from SQLlite it doesn't show.
In the CustomListView is only shown 1 item on the top of the list.
I have this code:
Private ResultSet1 As ResultSet
ResultSet1 = SQL1.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Schulbildung ORDER BY SBD_004 DESC, SBD_003 ASC") '-- WHERE SBD_002 = 'TN-IDNR: 611D2902XX' ")
Do While ResultSet1.NextRow
Layout_008_CustomListView_001.Add(CreateListItem_Schule("", 1130, 230), ""&ResultSet1.GetString("SBD_030")&"")
Layout_008_P01_Schule_01_ComboBox_Beginn_Monat.Value = ResultSet1.GetString("SBD_003")
Layout_008_P01_Schule_01_ComboBox_Beginn_Jahr.Value = ResultSet1.GetString("SBD_004")
Layout_008_P01_Schule_01_ComboBox_Ende_Monat.Value = ResultSet1.GetString("SBD_005")
Layout_008_P01_Schule_01_ComboBox_Ende_Jahr.Value = ResultSet1.GetString("SBD_006")
Layout_008_P01_Schule_01_TextField_Schulart.Text = ResultSet1.GetString("SBD_007")
Layout_008_P01_Schule_01_TextField_NAME_der_Schule.Text = ResultSet1.GetString("SBD_008")
Layout_008_P01_Schule_01_TextField_Schule_ORT.Text = ResultSet1.GetString("SBD_009")
Layout_008_P01_Schule_01_TextField_Schule_LAND.Text = ResultSet1.GetString("SBD_010")
Layout_008_P01_Schule_01_TextField_Schule_ABSCHLUSS.Text = ResultSet1.GetString("SBD_011")
Layout_008_P01_Schule_01_CheckBox_ZEUGNIS_vorhanden.Checked = ResultSet1.GetString("SBD_012")
Layout_008_Label_026.Text = ResultSet1.GetString("SBD_026")
Layout_008_Label_027.Text = ResultSet1.GetString("SBD_027")
Layout_008_Label_028.Text = ResultSet1.GetString("SBD_028")
Layout_008_Label_029.Text = ResultSet1.GetString("SBD_029")
Layout_008_P01_Label_SBD_IDNR.Text = ResultSet1.GetString("SBD_030")
Layout_008_CustomListView_001.AsView.Visible = True
Layout_008_P01_Schule_01.Visible = True
Sub CreateListItem_Schule(Text As String, Width As Int, Height As Int) As Pane
Dim Layout_008_CustomListView_Pane As Pane
Return Layout_008_CustomListView_Pane
End Sub
Does anyone see the mistake?