Android Question [SOLVED] Default App Reset for file extension

Peter Lewis

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Longtime User
Hi all ,

I am using some code to share a file to customers via the Share POPUP on android

The First time I ran the source, the popup asked if I wanted to use, Email, whatsapp ect ect as per below

Every since the first time , it now defaults to Whatsapp , as that is the one I initially selected. I have cleared the Cache, deleted all the data and then uninstalled the app. Reinstalled and again did not ask how i wanted to share, just chose Whatsapp.

How do I make it that each time, Android will show all the share options as above ?

Here is the code that I used for Sharing

Thank you

Sub Sharedata( listp As List)
    Dim filename As String = "guests.csv"
    File.WriteList(Starter.Provider.SharedFolder, filename, listp)
    Dim in As Intent
    in.Initialize(in.ACTION_SEND, "")
    in.PutExtra("android.intent.extra.STREAM", Starter.Provider.GetFileUri(filename))
End Sub

Thinking about it now, it cannot be Default app for an extension, because once it is on whatsapp you you click to open it opens Excel.
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