Hi, this questions seems to be same as my last one however it is a bit deeper into properties.
I have an Object declared with a properties like:
Would those Get/Set Sub enable to get/set specific List-Items for mKarten and mTop?
I have an Object declared with a properties like:
'Class module
Sub Class_Globals
Private mKarten As List 'will recieve clKarte-Items
Private mTop As List 'will recieve Int for the Top-value of each clKarte-Item
End Sub
Public Sub GetSingleKarte(Index As Int) As clKarte
Return mKarten.Get(Index)
End Sub
Public Sub SetSingleKarte(Index As Int, Karte As clKarte)
End Sub
Public Sub GetTopItem(Index As Int) As Int
Return mTop.Get(Index)
End Sub
Public Sub SetTopItem(Index As Int, Value As Int)
End Sub