Android Question [SOLVED] None of the apps can be installed (mine or from B4A) under Lollipop

Luis Felipe

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Longtime User
Hi everyone,

My whole "update" to Android 5.0.2 Lollipop is very "pain in the ass" for me.
Nothing of what was working under Android 4.2.2 and B4A v5.02 is now working.
I update the SDK to version 21 (19 before).
I restarted the ADB server, etc...
In the log the business logic seems to work but nothing is shown on the screen (no layout) and i can not see the app installed on the smartphone...
I tried with my app but the examples taken from this forum has not installed either.

Here is my path configurations:
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_71\bin\javac.exe

and the Manifest Editor content:
'This code will be applied to the manifest file during compilation.
'You do not need to modify it in most cases.
'See this link for for more information:
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="14" android:targetSdkVersion="21"/>
<supports-screens android:largeScreens="true"
SetApplicationAttribute(android:icon, "@drawable/icon")
SetApplicationAttribute(android:label, "$LABEL$")
SetApplicationAttribute(android:theme, "@android:style/Theme.Holo")
'SetActivityAttribute(main, android:launchMode, "singleInstance")
'End of default text.
The smartphone is under debug mode and there is not sdcard slot (difference from my previous device) --> for that reason I'm using now File.DirInternal.
Thank you for your help.


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Have you activated the "can install from unknown sources" feature in the device?
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Luis Felipe

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Watching the unfiltered log I can see some lines. May it will help someone to understand my problem... :

"tid 29299: eglCreateSyncKHR: NOT IMPLEMENTED"

And when i try to copy all the content of the log window from B4A I got an error message:
"Error en OpenClipboard (Excepcion de HRESULT : 0x800401D0 (CLIPBRD_E_CANT_OPEN))

It's getting even stranger ! Never seen all that error message before...
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Let's start from the very beginning. How are you installing the App? USB, Wifi Bridge or manually transfering APK to device and install from the device?
I suspect USB but want to make sure?
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if that was happening to me i would believe that it is a Corrupted B4A ide, why dont you try the to install 4.3 installed in another directory, you do not need 5.02 to run lollipop sdk.

if it is working so just reinstall 5.02 and if it is not, try with updating java to 1.8 (it is not necesary but will fix any corrupted data)
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Luis Felipe

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Enrique, I've tried with previous B4A version (4.3) and I got the same problem...
Tomorrow I'm going to try with Java 1.8.
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We need to work out where the problem is to determine what the problem is, if that makes sense. :D
At the moment I see nothing to suggest whether it is the B4A install, the device driver/ADB connection or maybe the device itself? We need to narrow it down!

From your earliest post it would appear that the connection is working, please confirm? It also sounds like the App installs without any error but you state that it doesn't appear on the device? Which mode are you using to compile? Have you tried all three modes (Release/Rapid Debug/Legacy Debug) and do all show the same end result?
Finally, what happens if you manually copy the APK to the device and run it directly from the device?

I'm sure we'll soon get to the bottom of the problem ;)
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Luis Felipe

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Hi RandomCoder,
I tried with the 3 modes : none "worked" as expected.
At the beginning I downloaded text files from an ftp server and that part seems to works (I got success message in the log files) but just after that when the main layout should appear on the screen, nothing happens.
Thank you for your help.
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Ok, so I'm trying to read between the lines a little in that it sounds like B4A is connecting and compiling to the device without any error. It is also installing the APK on the device and running it (this is a step further than I thought we were).
But now the problem is that your App is not working as expected in that it does not load the layout you were expecting?

I tried with my app but the examples taken from this forum has not installed either.
Which examples have you tried? I suggest using the samples that accompany the beginners guide or alternatively I think we need to go back to Klaus's earlier suggestion, is it possible for you to upload your project?
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Luis Felipe

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Well that's what i think but I can't see any app (or icon) installed on my smartphone :-(.
I tried with all possible examples from the user guide and from this forum...
Sure that I'm missing something but what ?
I'm out with my kids but Monday from the office I can upload my project.
Thanx again.
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Are you using a stock ROM or have you rooted your device and installed a custom ROM?

Hope you have a good day with the family, the sun is shining here today and so we plan to make the most of it too. It's not very often we get sunshine in the UK :D
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Luis Felipe

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Are you using a stock ROM or have you rooted your device and installed a custom ROM?

Hope you have a good day with the family, the sun is shining here today and so we plan to make the most of it too. It's not very often we get sunshine in the UK :D

Stock ROM : I bought this smartphone this week :
Have a good day too : here at the south-east of spain we have too many sun (and the the temperature are too high for me :-D).
Thank you.
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I change the credentials to my ftp...

i got a file not found when downloading the file (ehich does not exist on my server.

But the app is running on my Android 5.1.2 device

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