I put together an app with a Transparent background that changes the device wallpaper every 2 hours.
It steps thru the List of images but I can't click any Device Screen icons (the Phone OR webBrowser).
In the Service module that updates the wallpaper:
In Main:
What is a correct way to prevent a Transparent app from blocking access to the Device Screen icons, while keeping the app running?
Or what different way to solve this?
Thanks in advance.
It steps thru the List of images but I can't click any Device Screen icons (the Phone OR webBrowser).
In the Service module that updates the wallpaper:
Sub Service_Start (StartingIntent As Intent)
StartServiceAt(Me, DateTime.Now + 10000, True) ' 2 hours, 10 seconds for testing
If Starter.gtum = Starter.aWallPicX.Size - 1 Then
Starter.gtum = 1
Log(" MAX MAX MAX ")
Starter.gtum = Starter.gtum + 1
Log(" min MJN min MIN")
End If
Log(" img # = " & Starter.gtum)
Log("picture name = " & Starter.aWallPicX.Get(Starter.gtum))
CallSubDelayed(Main, "changePicture") ' get next Img!
StartServiceAt(Me, DateTime.Now + 10000, True) ' 2 hours, 10 seconds for testing
'StartServiceAt(Me, DateTime.Now + 1860000, True) ' 2 hours, 31 minutes for testing.
Log(" ")
End Sub
Sub changePicture
SetWallPaper(LoadBitmap(Starter.daPaf, Starter.aWallPicX.Get(Starter.gtum))) ' change wallpaper
'CallSubDelayed(Main, "changePicture")
End Sub
Or what different way to solve this?
Thanks in advance.
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