I noticed if I place a widget on the phone's home screen an additional notification is created. Can I prevent the app from creating the additional notification?
The attached screen shot will show the added notification created. I have only one area in the app that creates a notification and it's in a service module. The added notification seems to have a default title and body. The text in those areas are the same is the app name repeated throughout the notification.
If I don't place the widget on the home screen, then only 1 notification is displayed all the time which is what I wanted.
This is the only coding in the app that creates a notification. It's called only one time.
I noticed if I place a widget on the phone's home screen an additional notification is created. Can I prevent the app from creating the additional notification?
The attached screen shot will show the added notification created. I have only one area in the app that creates a notification and it's in a service module. The added notification seems to have a default title and body. The text in those areas are the same is the app name repeated throughout the notification.
If I don't place the widget on the home screen, then only 1 notification is displayed all the time which is what I wanted.
This is the only coding in the app that creates a notification. It's called only one time.
Sub Service_Start (StartingIntent As Intent)
Service.StartForeground(nid, CreateNotification( _
"Now running in the background.", _
"Tapping this notification will open the app.", _
Main ))
StartServiceAt(Me, DateTime.Now + 30 * DateTime.TicksPerMinute, True)
Log("At Service_Start")
blnServiceStarted = True
End Sub
Sub CreateNotification (strTitle As String, strBody As String, objActivity As Object) As Notification
Dim notification As Notification
notification.Icon = "icon"
notification.SetInfo(strTitle, strBody, objActivity)
Return notification
End Sub
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