Android Tutorial Sorting algorithms - Teaching with Basic4android

Implementations of sorting algorithms are useful for teaching fundamental concepts such as algorithms analysis, complexity and data structures.

The following code includes implementations of the following sorting algorithms: bubble sort, selection sort, quick sort, merge sort and binary tree sort.
The code should be pretty straightforward once you understand the algorithm.

Code (file is also attached):
'Activity module
Sub Process_Globals
    Type TreeElement(Value As Int, Left As TreeElement, Right As TreeElement)
End Sub

Sub Globals
    Dim lv As ListView
    Dim data(100) As Int
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    Activity.AddView(lv, 0, 0, 100%x, 100%y)
    lv.SingleLineLayout.Label.TextSize = 13
    lv.SingleLineLayout.ItemHeight = 40dip
    Activity.AddMenuItem("Randomize", "mnuRandomize")
    Activity.AddMenuItem("Bubble Sort", "mnuBubbleSort")
    Activity.AddMenuItem("Quick Sort", "mnuQuickSort")
    Activity.AddMenuItem("Merge Sort", "mnuMergeSort")
    Activity.AddMenuItem("Selection Sort", "mnuSelectionSort")
    Activity.AddMenuItem("Binary Tree Sort", "mnuBinaryTreeSort")
End Sub
Sub lv_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As Object)
End Sub

Sub FillWithRandomNumbers
    For i = 0 To data.Length - 1
        data(i) = Rnd(0, 10000)
End Sub

Sub DisplayData
    For i = 0 To data.Length - 1
End Sub
Sub mnuRandomize_Click
End Sub

Sub mnuBubbleSort_Click
    Dim s As Long
    s = DateTime.Now
    ToastMessageShow("Bubble Sort took: " & (DateTime.Now - s) & " ms", False)
End Sub

Sub mnuQuickSort_Click
    Dim s As Long
    s = DateTime.Now
    QuickSort(0, data.Length - 1)
    ToastMessageShow("Quick Sort took: " & (DateTime.Now - s) & " ms", False)
End Sub

Sub mnuMergeSort_Click
    Dim s As Long
    s = DateTime.Now
    data = MergeSort(data)
    ToastMessageShow("Merge Sort took: " & (DateTime.Now - s) & " ms", False)
End Sub

Sub mnuSelectionSort_Click
    Dim s As Long
    s = DateTime.Now
    ToastMessageShow("Selection Sort took: " & (DateTime.Now - s) & " ms", False)
End Sub

Sub mnuBinaryTreeSort_Click
    Dim s As Long
    s = DateTime.Now
    Dim root As TreeElement
    root.Value = data(0)
    For i = 1 To data.Length - 1
        InsertTreeElement(root, data(i))
    TraverseTree(root, 0)
    ToastMessageShow("Binary Tree Sort took: " & (DateTime.Now - s) & " ms", False)
End Sub

Sub Swap(index1 As Int, index2 As Int)
    Dim temp As Int
    temp = data(index1)
    data(index1) = data(index2)
    data(index2) = temp
End Sub

Sub BubbleSort
    Dim swapped As Boolean
    swapped = True
    Do While swapped
        swapped = False
        For i = 1 To Data.Length - 1
            If data(i - 1) > data(i) Then
                Swap(i-1, i)
                swapped = True
            End If
End Sub

Sub SelectionSort
    Dim minIndex As Int
    For i = 0 To data.Length - 1
        minIndex = i
        For j = i + 1 To data.Length - 1
            If data(j) < data(minIndex) Then minIndex = j
        Swap(i, minIndex)
End Sub

Sub QuickSort (left As Int, right As Int)
    If right > left Then
        Dim pivotIndex, pivotNewIndex As Int
        pivotIndex = Rnd(left, right + 1) 'max value is exclusive
        pivotNewIndex = Partition(left, right, pivotIndex)
        QuickSort(left, pivotNewIndex - 1)
        QuickSort(pivotNewIndex + 1, right)
    End If
End Sub

Sub Partition (left As Int, right As Int, pivotIndex As Int) As Int
    Dim pivotValue, storeIndex As Int
    pivotValue = data(pivotIndex)
    Swap(pivotIndex, right)
    storeIndex = left
    For i = left To right - 1
        If data(i) <= pivotValue Then
            Swap(i, storeIndex)
            storeIndex = storeIndex + 1
        End If
    Swap(storeIndex, right)
    Return storeIndex
End Sub

Sub MergeSort(arr() As Int) As Int()
    If arr.Length <= 1 Then Return arr
    Dim middle As Int
    middle = arr.Length / 2
    Dim left(middle) As Int
    Dim right(arr.Length - middle) As Int
    For i = 0 To middle - 1
        left(i) = arr(i)
    For i = middle To arr.Length - 1
        right(i - middle) = arr(i)
    left = MergeSort(left)
    right = MergeSort(right)
    Return Merge(left, right)
End Sub

Sub Merge(left() As Int, right() As Int) As Int()
    Dim leftIndex, rightIndex As Int 'initialized to 0
    Dim result(left.Length + right.Length) As Int
    For i = 0 To result.Length - 1
        If rightIndex = right.Length OR _
            (leftIndex < left.Length AND left(leftIndex) < right(rightIndex)) Then
            result(i) = left(leftIndex)
            leftIndex = leftIndex + 1
            result(i) = right(rightIndex)
            rightIndex = rightIndex + 1
        End If
    Return result
End Sub

Sub InsertTreeElement(Parent As TreeElement, Value As Int)
    Dim leaf As TreeElement
    If Parent.IsInitialized = False Then
        Parent.Value = Value
    Else If Value < Parent.Value Then
        InsertTreeElement(Parent.Left, Value)
        InsertTreeElement(Parent.Right, Value)
    End If
End Sub

Sub TraverseTree (Parent As TreeElement, ArrayIndex As Int) As Int
    If Parent.IsInitialized = False Then Return ArrayIndex
    ArrayIndex = TraverseTree(Parent.Left, ArrayIndex)
    Data(ArrayIndex) = Parent.Value
    ArrayIndex = ArrayIndex + 1
    ArrayIndex = TraverseTree(Parent.Right, ArrayIndex)
    Return ArrayIndex
End Sub

Program is available here:
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Gary Miyakawa

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Longtime User
If you want to dig WAY deeper on the sorting stuff... The bible used to be "Donald E. Knuth" Sorting and Searching Algorithms... Heavy reading if you are into that kind of stuff..


Gary M


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
As a result of another thread, I looked at the Quick Sort routine in the code above and it doesn't look like QS routines I've used in the past, so I Googled Quick Sort and looked at some QS routines there and the tutorial routine doesn't look like what's going on in any of them either.

Here is a routine from VB - Quick Sort algorithm (very fast sorting algorithm) - VBForums

Private Sub QuickSort(C() As String, ByVal First As Long, ByVal Last As Long)
    Dim Low As Long, High As Long
    Dim MidValue As String
    Low = First
    High = Last
    MidValue = C((First + Last) \ 2)
        While C(Low) < MidValue
            Low = Low + 1
        While C(High) > MidValue
            High = High - 1
        If Low <= High Then
            Swap C(Low), C(High)
            Low = Low + 1
            High = High - 1
        End If
    Loop While Low <= High
    If First < High Then QuickSort C, First, High
    If Low < Last Then QuickSort C, Low, Last
End Sub

And this is the code in this tutorial:

Sub QuickSort (left As Int, right As Int)
    If right > left Then
        Dim pivotIndex, pivotNewIndex As Int
        pivotIndex = Rnd(left, right + 1) 'max value is exclusive
        pivotNewIndex = Partition(left, right, pivotIndex)
        QuickSort(left, pivotNewIndex - 1)
        QuickSort(pivotNewIndex + 1, right)
    End If
End Sub

Sub Partition (left As Int, right As Int, pivotIndex As Int) As Int
    Dim pivotValue, storeIndex As Int
    pivotValue = data(pivotIndex)
    Swap(pivotIndex, right)
    storeIndex = left
    For i = left To right - 1
        If data(i) <= pivotValue Then
            Swap(i, storeIndex)
            storeIndex = storeIndex + 1
        End If
    Swap(storeIndex, right)
    Return storeIndex
End Sub

In particular, the part of the code which says

While C(Low) < MidValue
    Low = Low + 1
While C(High) > MidValue
    High = High - 1

is common to every QS routine I've used or seen, but I can't figure how the tutorial code is accomplishing this, though this is very likely just my inability to figure out the tutorial code. So if you could straighten me out, I would appreciate it.


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if all the values are the same (or most of them anyway) I get (on quicksort) stackoverflow

try it with 500 numbers, why is that ? can you fix it ?



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I have a list of arrays of strings and I need to sort by a specific index how can I do that ?



B4X founder
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If you can use custom types instead of arrays then you can use List.SortType. Otherwise you can use this code:
Type SortHelper(SortKey As String, Value As Object) 'add in Process_Globals

Sub SortListOfArrays(Table As List, Index As Int) As List
   Dim temp As List
   For Each row() As String In Table
      Dim sh As SortHelper
      sh.SortKey = row(Index)
      sh.Value = row
   temp.SortType("SortKey", True)
   For Each sh As SortHelper In temp
   Return Table
End Sub
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