Android Question speed and stability of an application accessed thousands of times


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I would like to ask another question to you guys.

I think that question does not involve directly the B4a... But the solution used in servers.

My question is: how do the applications that are very accessible? I mean, a popular application, for example, such as Uber, WhatsApp .. Thousands of people use them. There are millions of simultaneous requests. As the server processes all without slowdowns? How requests are handled? I believe that should not be a simple php to mediate this mass communication...

PLs, sorry my poor english.


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And of course not only PHP.
"The frontend is written in PHP (programming language). Much of it is written using XHP, and the runtime is HipHop for PHP. Like most websites there's a lot of JavaScript (programming language) running in the users' browsers.

Most of the backend services are written in C (programming language), C++ and Java. A lot of the C++ services rely on Boost. Many of the internal tools and some glue code is written inPython (programming language). One of the services that underlies Chat, the channel servers (see ), is written in
Erlang (programming language). The backend services and the web frontend communicate using Apache Thrift. The iPhone app and iOS SDK are written in Objective-C (programming language).

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