I need to insert in the same record differents values. some of them are null values. The programa give me a syntax error (Code1).
Can you help me please?
Thank you!
I need to insert in the same record differents values. some of them are null values. The programa give me a syntax error (Code1).
Can you help me please?
Thank you!
Campos = "NumServicio,TToma,TDeje,TJornada,SLinea,TNocturnas,SObservaciones,SCorrespondencia,Grupo,Actualizado,Peculiar,Fecha"
sSQLViejos.ExecNonQuery("INSERT INTO ServOrdinarios ("&Campos&") VALUES("&Serv&","&Tom&","&Dej&","&Jor&","&Lin&","&Noc&","&Obs&","&Cor&","&Gru&","&act&","&Pec&","&Fec&")")