B4J Code Snippet Standardize Keys in Key-Value Maps

I have often used Maps as a means of sending property information to Subs
One problem, easily fixed, is that the person specifying the map with 'CreateMap' may use a different case-ness in the keys than expected.
Also, they (you) may inadvertently add spaces at start or end of key.
In both situations the receiving sub won't find the expected item in the map.

Here is an extremely simple way to allow for variations in naming keys without affecting functionality.
'Returns a Map which has the same keys and values as the original - keywords are set to lowerCase and are Trim-med
Private Sub StandardizeKeywords(mp As Map) As Map
    Dim newM As Map
    For Each kw As String In mp.Keys
        newM.Put(kw.ToLowerCase.trim, mp.Get(kw))
    Return newM
End Sub

When the receiving Sub looks at an externally prepared Map, it should be wrapped in StandardizeKeywords(theMap)

Private Sub ReceivingSub(theMap as Map)
    Dim properties As Map = StandardizeKeywords(theMap)
End Sub

Example of use see https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...displaying-a-flexible-horizontal-tree.159614/