Android Code Snippet String replace

SubName: substitute (chain AsString, search AsString, replaced AsString)

This is meant to replace a sequence of characters by another within a string.
It uses a syntax close to VB6 REPLACE()
- Chain is the string where characters will be searched for
- search is the string to look for
- Replaced is the string that will replace search

This sub supports the chr(0) character which string.Replace does not.

Sub substitute(chain As String, search As String, replaced As String)
If chain.IndexOf(search) = 0 Then Return chain
Dim gauche, droite As String
Do While chain.IndexOf(search)>0
chain = chain.substring2(0,chain.IndexOf(search)) & replaced & _
Return chain
End Sub

Dependencies: This sub uses core commands, and does not require any additional library.

Tags: string.replace Replace() strings
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Hello MitchBu,

I need a String like this one: "1" , "2" , "3" , "4" , "5" , "6" , "7" , "8" , "9" , "10" ...
and I can generate a String as follows:

Dim s As String
For i = 1 To 10
s = "x"&s&", x"& i &"x "&s.SubString(s.Length)&""
s = s.SubString(12)

The result is: x1x, x2x, x3x, x4x, x5x, x6x, x7x, x8x, x9x, x10x

With your code snippet it is not possible to search the "x" and replace them with " so that the result would be

--> "1" , "2" , "3" , "4" , "5" , "6" , "7" , "8" , "9" , "10" <---

How can I do that?


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You don't need Substitute to directly obtain what you want.

Just create a variable for the quote. I use "q":

Dim q As String = Chr(34)
Dim s As String
For nn = 1 To 12
s = s & q & nn & q
If nn <12 Then s = s & ","


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MitchBu, thank you very much for your help!

The solution is to
Dim q AsString = Chr(34)
... i made several experiments with " and used it to try as char, but there was no way. I didn't know that is is possible to use Chr(34) in the code.

Your code was exactly what I asked for, but it doesn't really help me, because I want to use it in an
Array As String("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12")
an this doesn't work. I could write it hardcoded, but in the App I need it for
For nn = 1 To 1440
... so I have to write
Array As String("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", .................................. "1440")

Thank you anyway!


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You don't need to create a string array that way, B4x will do casting for you. This will give you a string array:

    Dim Arr(1441) As String
    For i = 0 To 1440
        Arr(i) = i
'Check it is a string array
    For i = 0 To 10
        Dim S As String = Arr(i)
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Hello @stevel05,

thank you for your answer, but the result of Log(s) is "10". That is not what I was searching for.

But it doesnt matter, because I dont need it anymore ... thanks


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 Regex.Replace("x", s, """")


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You know, when posting a question, if you hold what you want to achieve, you get partial or inadequate replies, both from me, or the excellent Regex suggestion from XbNnX_507.

If you need that in code, direct the output to log(), run the program, and simply copy it to paste in your source.

You could also use a list, and append the numbers, then convert into an array.


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You should actually be checking if the value is > -1, not > 0.

I made a version of your code that is case insensitive, in case anyone needs it.
'Case insensitive replace
public Sub Replace(Text As String, Search As String, ReplaceWith As String) As String
  Search = Search.ToLowerCase
   Dim Lower As String = Text.ToLowerCase, Index As Int = Lower.IndexOf(Search)
   Do While Index>-1
       Text = Text.substring2(0,Index) & ReplaceWith & Text.SubString(Index+Search.Length)
       Lower = Lower.substring2(0,Index) & ReplaceWith & Lower.SubString(Index+Search.Length)
       Index = Lower.IndexOf(Search)
   Return Text
End Sub
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