Android Question Subject : How to update my project originally done in b4a v2.22 to v6.5


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Longtime User
Way back in 2012 I did an app for Android for my students called Machinist Aide (I teach in a trade school for CNC machinists in Montreal) in b4a v2.22 (at least that is what I see in the header of each file). A few months ago I bought the update to the then latest version 6.5 of b4a. I now want to (after something like 5 years) update my project (correct some bugs, add new sections, etc).

I have not even tried to recompile my project, thought the version change was too radical - I decided to check with you before trying anything.

My app is a simple app, does nothing nothing fancy (displays info (e.g. a drill or Tap chart), displays a few .jpg files, reads in .CSV files, does trigonometry calculations), etc.

It used the following librairies : Core and StringUtils. Can I just recompile my app in v6.5 or is there anything I should beware of? I will, of course, make sure I will update all the other necessary things (SDK, Bridge, etc). I did quite a bit of searching on your site but couldn't find anything that dealt with such a radical version update.

Would appreciate any help I can get.

Yours truly,

Lorne Wilkins.
Centre Anjou, Commission Scolaire Pointe de l'Ile


Licensed User
Longtime User
- Update your JAVA to V8
- Update the SDK with the new Maven repositories as described here. See Step 2.2
- Install SDK 25 from the SDK Manager. Setup android.jar from platforms/25/ in Tools-Configure Paths
- Try to compile your app.

If you run into any problem:
- Create a new thread in the questions forum and post the error from the log (please do not post screenshots).

Based on the libraries you are using i dont expect to get an problems... But if it happens: just create a new thread, post your project and the error from the log.
We´ll help you fixing it.
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