Android Question Subscription changes necessary by november 1


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I am getting this warning on my apps where I have once enabled subscriptions :

You must have account hold and restore implemented in your app by November 1, 2020. Subscription pause and resubscribe will also be enabled by default, unless you explicitly opt out.

Some years ago I had implemented it but removed subscriptions later. As I can't delete in app items from play store I am getting this message although there are no subscription options available in the app. Is there anything I have to do to avoid any problem like deletion from store etc ? I can't delete old subscription items from the store thats why google is thinking i am using them.



Licensed User
Longtime User
I dont have subscirpitons or inapp purchases anymore in my app for the last 2 years. So I don't control anything. But I still get this warning because there are sitill in app items in play console
As long as you check the current state with billing.QueryPurchases, you are fine.
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Sales Bennett

Licensed User
Longtime User
Should it help, I get the same message (after being fooled into new google play before I wanted to) and have never had subscriptions. It's worrying but, I can't do anything other than ignoring the message.
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