Android Question Support for xxxhdpi drawables?


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Hi Erel,

I recently used Android Asset Studio to generate launcher icons, which I put into my projects Objects/res/ folder in the various drawable subfolders. When I went to compile the app, I got the following error:

Parsing code.                          0.07
Running custom action.                  0.07
Compiling code.                        0.31
ObfuscatorMap.txt file created in Objects folder.
Compiling layouts code.                0.03
Generating R file.                      Error
invalid resource directory name: res/drawable-xxxhdpi

So it appears that B4A doesn't support xxxhdpi drawables. Removing that subfolder resolves the issue, but will you be adding support for xxxhdpi drawables, or is there a way for support to be enabled?

Thanks - Colin.


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Errr - so I already have this in my manifest:

<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="4" android:targetSdkVersion="19"/>

Is this what you mean? Is it because my minSdkVersion is too low?
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Oh - OK. Yeah, I just realized that the latest build tools I have is Rev. 17... DOH! I guess I missed it because B4A didn't give me a warning that I had the manifest target set higher than the build tools I have available.

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A question on that Erel: If I have multiple SDK build tools installed, will B4A use the latest one? Or should I only have the latest one installed?
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Also, how do I tell which build tool version B4A used when it compiled?
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Arrgh! OK - I think I have it sorted now. I had the B4A path for the android.jar pointing to the \platforms directory under the \Android installation directory on my HDD - & I couldn't see SDK version 19 in there. Turns out that the SDK manager has been installing the new revs under \Users\....\Local\Android\android-sdk\platforms. So I have now changed the B4A path to point to the rev 19 SDK under here & it compiles with the xxxhdpi resources now.

Thanks - Colin.
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I get this same error, I have checked my paths and everything looks good. I have installed all the build tools available in lthe SDK manager and pointed my path in B4A to the folder specified in the SDK manager for version 19 of the tools. But I still get the same error as computersmith64 when trying to build my admob enabled app.
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Okay, if I remove the xxhdpi folder it compiles but then gives me loads of these errors:

ERROR: 9-patch image C:\adt-bundle-windows-x86-20131030\sdk\extras\google\google_play_services\libproject\google-play-services_lib\res\drawable-hdpi\common_signin_btn_icon_disabled_dark.9.png malformed.
      Ticks in transparent frame must be black.
      Found at pixel #7 along bottom edge.
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andymc nothing to do with that. it looks like the 9 patches are faulty. most probably done in ps or ill.
if you do them in ps, select nearest neighbor. in illustrator, no optimization.
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